Our online photo exhibit closes June 30 + Self-Advocacy starting soon!
Our online photo exhibit closes June 30 + Self-Advocacy starting soon!
Dear Friend, 

*NEW* Self-Advocacy Classes starting soon! Try one class or make it a new weekly ritual.

Meet peers and use creativity to expand your voice and choice and live your best life - everyday. 

All adults with disabilities ages 18+

July 7 - September 30
Choose from one of three weekly times: 
Mondays 10am-11pm CDT, Wednesdays 1-2pm CDT, Thursdays 4-5pm CDT

Online & Pay-What-You-Can
with in-person coming this Fall!
All classes have ASL Interpretation and Closed Captioning.

A dypich - or two side-by-side portraits - of Caleb Guidry, a young adult with Cornelia de Lange's syndrome. In the portraits, Caleb has sandy brown hair and an expressive unibrow, wearing a sweatshirt. He looks off in the distance (left) and down, inwardly, right.
Two side-by-side portraits of Caleb, Matt and Julie Guidry's adult son, taken for an Art of Me exhibit with Highland Friendship Club in 2017, included in our online Re•Focus exhibit.

Let's Re•Focus, One More Time

"Before we officially close out our 2020-21 fiscal year, our 15th year and one that has been like no other, I want to revisit Re•Focus, our online portrait exhibit closing June 30, just one more time.

One more time to experience stories that often go unheard.
One more time to let our compassionate curiosity be unleashed.
One more time to look through and beyond the thin veil of disability.

Thankfully, we do hear stories from the disability community more often than when Upstream Arts began its journey 15 years ago. 

Unfortunately, we rarely, if ever, hear stories about or from the diverse intersectionality within the disability community, stories about people like our son." 

Read more of Artistic Director Matt Guidry's reflections on our In Small Moments blog, and visit our online Re•Focus exhibit - closing next week! - June 30.
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