Academic Affairs Event Spotlight
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January Term Online Course Registration Reminder
You still have a chance to take a 3-week course! View the course offerings below:
- ART-SHU 222 Site and Situation: Social Space and Public Art
- BUSF-SHU 286 Chinese Financial Markets
- CRWR-SHU 209 The Art of the Personal Narrative: Travel Writing
- CSCI-SHU 11 Introduction to Computer Programming
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Learn from Upperclass Students!
Academic Peer Advisor Coffee Chat Series
Tuesday, November 29 | 5:30-6:30 PM | Room 304 | RSVP
Planning ahead for next semester? Come to learn from someone who was once in your shoes! Join us with six upperclass students from different majors: IMA, IMB, Data Science, Economics, and Social Science.
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9th Floor Salon Open MicThursday, December 1|7-9 PM|Room 915 or Zoom| RSVP
Presented by the Writing Program and the Creative Writing Minor, Come support your peers and colleagues as they share their work, whether it's a poem, a snippet of creative fiction, or a section from a research project! All genres are welcome. Open to all community members. Snacks and drinks will be provided!
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EAP Program: Join the Poster Show!
Join us on Thursday night as students in the English for Academic Purposes program will give short poster presentations on varied and fascinating topics: Social issues in gaming, sustainable food practices, digital identities, animals and human society, money and finance, smart cities, global public health, space exploration, and the wonderful world of academic Disney Studies! Open to all community members.
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Academic Resource Center Workshops
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Presentation Skills: Interacting and Connecting with Your Audience
We will focus on being aware of one's presence, eye contact, gestures, etc. and identifying specific ways one can improve connection and clarity with the audience!
Preparing for Your Finals!
Friday, December 2 | 4-5 PM | Room 610 | RSVP
Finals are coming, but you don't have to fret! Join us to discuss some strategies to revise for your exams (in various subjects), and set a sustainable schedule for exam preparation!
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Community Engaged Learning
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How Does Public Health Intervention Intersect with Community Building?
December 1st is World AIDS Day, the first international day for public health. Learn about the work of Bu Jiaqing, founder of Shanghai Qing Ai Health Center, and Dr. Andrew Wortham, who researched HIV prevention organizations in Kunming. Qing Ai will present an inclusive knowledge-sharing aimed at destigmatizing HIV and AIDS. More resources and free giveaways will be provided by the Student Health Center.
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Career Development Center
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AlphaSights Case Cracking Workshop
How do you analyze a real business case when you receive a request from your client? How do you structure a cold call to continue your conversation? Come to the workshop if you are curious about demand and consulting services and are seeking summer internships! Speakers: Wendy Song (Campus Recruiter at AlphaSights) & Qiong Yin (Senior Vice President of the AlphaSights Shanghai Office).
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Graduate School Opportunities
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Georgia Tech-Shenzhen Info SessionThursday, December 1 | 7-8 PM | Zoom: 819 4153 1804 (Password: 485541)
Georgia Tech-Shenzhen is a Sino-foreign cooperative institution organized by Tianjin University and Georgia Tech. It currently offers five full-time Master's degree programs, M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering, M.S. Analytics, M.S. Computer Science, M.S. Environmental Engineering, and Master of Industrial Design. Come learn about the program's curriculum, application requirements, financials, and more!
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