Montgomery College’s mission includes a statement of our deep commitment to enriching the life of our community through community engagement. Our work with the community takes many forms including participating in community boards and chambers of commerce, hosting arts programming and speakers that are open to the public, supplying College resources and information for community events, supporting the use of College facilities for community events, and much more.
In order for us to know how well we are doing in our campus and community relations and how we may improve, we ask that you give us your feedback in a short survey.
This survey has been designed to take the guesswork out of campus and community relations. The data will be used as a baseline to inform our work with the community in the future. Since we have multiple campuses, please select the campus that you interact with the most and provide your feedback about your perceptions of the College. We would appreciate your completion of the survey by Tuesday, November 26, 2019. The survey link for each campus is as follows: