4-H Friday Newsletter - Friday, October 23, 2020
Have a Newsletter Contribution?ALL CLUB and PROJECT LEADERS, MEMBERS, and PARENTS can contribute to the
articles posted weekly by completing a short form and uploading their article and any photos
to accompany it at https://forms.gle/QBMvvsCzhaiHEfNM8. SAVE THIS LINK! Articles for the current week must be submitted by midnight on Thursday. We would love to hear from you!
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Celebrate the Arts- NEW DEADLINE Jan. 1
The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Celebrates the Arts is a series of activities, including a contest and art auction, to be held annually for the purpose of:
-Promoting 4-H Arts Programming
-Raising Funds to Support 4-H Art Programs
-Telling the 4-H Story
-Raising Awareness of the WI 4-H Foundation and the 4-H Program
Proceeds from any Celebrate the Arts events will be split evenly with half invested in the Talen Endowment for 4-H Arts Programming and half used for arts programming in the next 4-H program year.
Celebrate the Arts 4-H Art Contest:
The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation will sponsor the art contest, open to any current Wisconsin 4-H member, with cash prizes totaling nearly $1,000. The contest will be held virtually, with photos of all entries submitted electronically. Although the contest is virtual, the winning art, selected to be in the art auction, from each category and the Best of Show must be delivered to the nearest 4-H Office or the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation. These items will become the property of the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation and will not be returned.
Entry Information:
Entries will be accepted from Tuesday, September 1, 2020, until January 1, 2021.
A photo of the entry and the completed entry form must be submitted through the contest submission form: https://forms.gle/FCQSKVBowpru5J7H7
A tip sheet for entrants is available. Please review this information to learn how best to present and share your art.
Each artist may submit one entry in one or more categories but may submit only one entry in any one category. Example: Fred can submit a photo, a chalk drawing, and a ceramic dish, but he cannot enter two photos.
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4-H Online 2.0 Registration is Open!The moment everyone has been waiting for is here! Families are able to register in the new system. For step-by-step instructions, please click here.
If you need help, please reach out to us and we can help answer questions! This system is new, so please be patient while enrolling for the 2020-2021 4-H year. Tina Engelhardt is working hard at approving enrollments and answering any 4-H online questions! Re-enrollment Deadline to be eligible for 2021 County Fair Premiums October 31, 2020.
What happened to the Youth Leader projects?
- In 2.0 all youth can select a volunteer-type when selecting a project, so a separate project selection for Youth Leader is no longer needed. Youth can still select Youth leadership as a project.
What happened to the Leader - Adult Advisor to Other Leaders, Leader - Board Member, Leader - Club Activity, etc projects?
- These were removed because adults use another area to designate their role(s). If they don’t choose a volunteer role as Project Leader, they do not select a project at all.
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Cedar Crest Ice Cream 4-H Flavor ContestCedar Crest Ice Cream 4-H Flavor Contest Cedar Crest Ice Cream and the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation have teamed up again to present the "Cedar Crest Ice Cream 4-H Flavor Contest" for Wisconsin 4-H clubs.
Who: All 4-H members in the State of Wisconsin
What: Develop and name and ice cream flavor
When: Entries must be submitted to Cedar Crest Ice Cream no later than November 13. 2020, via the online entry form or email.
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Cloverbud Pumpkin ContestThe Cloverbud Pumpkin Contest looks a little different this year. Cloverbuds can choose to participate virtually or in-person. All participants (in-person or virtual) MUST complete the pre-registration form(link is below). All virtual participants can submit their pumpkin information and photos via the Google form. In-Person participants will sign up for a time slot to come in and register their pumpkin. Please have pumpkin information (weight, height, and circumference) ready at registration. Due to Covid guidelines, we will not be able to measure. To pre-register for the contest CLICK HERE!
Who: Cloverbuds (Kindergarten-2nd grade 4-H members)
When: Saturday, October 31st, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Where: Virtual or In-person (Cow Palace at the FDL Fairgrounds)
*Sign-up for in-person registration will be open until October 29th.
Any Cloverbud (virtual or in-person) who participates wearing a Halloween costume will be entered in our door prize drawing! Winners will be announced later on the 31st.
Pumpkin Categories are:
• Tallest in Height
• Most unusual shape
• Largest in Circumference
• Shortest in Height
• Smallest in Weight
• Largest in Weight, Height, and Circumference
• Best pumpkin color
• Scariest (painted)
• Funniest (painted)
• Most colorful (painted)
• Most Unique (painted)
• Use of 4-H Theme (painted)
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4-H Coloring Book Contest
Help us build a 4-H coloring book. Youth are welcome to create a hand-drawn illustration based on one of the illustration themes of the 4-H Essential Elements. Scan/photograph your child's artwork and use the official entry form below to submit your entry before October 30, 2020. Drawings should be on a single sheet of standard letter-sized (8-½” x 11”), unlined paper, in portrait/vertical orientation. Winners from each of the four themes will be selected via a vote on Facebook and will receive fun 4-H merchandise!
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Virtual Officer Training- SAVE THE DATE- Thursday, October 29, 2020 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. or Tuesday, November 10, 2020 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
All officers and leaders are strongly encouraged to attend! Our 4-H Club/Group Officer Training will be held via Zoom on the evenings of Thursday, October 29, and Tuesday, November 10! Club leaders and officers should save one of these evenings for time together with other Fond du Lac and Area 4-H Members and Leaders. Our agenda will include virtual and face to face team builders that officer teams can lead, introducing the 4-H Movement, and of course break-out sessions for each officer position!
Register Here!
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Graduation Shoutout- Congratulations Allison!
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4-H Conversation Corner: OctoberJoin the Conversation! Calling all 4-H Club and Project Leaders!!
Each month we will be offering a different Conversation Corner topic! Club and Project Leaders from Fond du Lac, Ozaukee, and Washington County are invited to join these one hour, optional, Zoom meetings. The conversations are an opportunity for leaders to ask questions, brainstorm with other leaders, and share ideas!
Our October topic is the “WI 4-H Movement.” Pick a date and time that works for you. Register now for one of our three sessions! Learn about what your club can do, see what promotional items are available for your clubs to share, learn about what other clubs are doing in Fond du Lac County as well as around the state!
Monday, October 26 from 6:00-7:00 pm Thursday, October 29 from 10-11 am
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OCTOBER: Teen Leader Association - October 25, 1:00 pm - Kelley's Outing - Look for details to be emailed out!
- October 26, 7:00 pm in-person & via zoom - Look for details to be emailed out!
- October 31, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm help with Cloverbud Pumpkin Contest
Officer Training - (Choose one of the following dates)- Officers still have time to sign up!- Thursday, October 29, 2020, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
- Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Upcoming Deadlines:- Coloring Book Contest- October 30
- Re-enrollment Deadline to be eligible for 2021 County Fair Premiums October 31
NOVEMBER:Conversation Corner- November 3, 10-11 am via Zoom
- November 12, 6-7 pm via Zoom
- November 18, 1-2 pm via Zoom
Officer Training -
- Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm- Officers still have time to sign up!
Adult leader meeting- November 18, 7:30 pm via Zoom
Upcoming Deadlines:- November 13, Cedar Crest Ice Cream Contest Entries Due
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