Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Medical Library
Volume 9, Issue 10  October 2019
Newsletter Archive
October is National Medical Librarians & Health Literacy Month!
Infographic of the Medical Library Association
National Medical Librarians Month annually recognizes the valuable contributions of medical librarians to teaching, research, clinical care, and community engagement. This year's theme showcases medical librarians' expertise in getting you the best information when you need it! 
October is also Health Literacy Month and the Medical Library has been busy promoting our health information expertise to our on-campus and local communities!
  • As part of the statewide Michigan Libraries for Life program, our 8th Annual Organ & Bone Marrow Donor Registration Drive registered 31 new bone marrow donors and 13 new organ donors. This brings our eight-year grand total to registering 246 new bone marrow donors and 283 new organ donors as well as reaching the milestone of speaking to over 2,000 people (2,090 to be exact)! Many thanks to our OUWB and on-campus partners and the 24 drive volunteers who dedicated their time on October 15 and 16.
  • Keith Engwall introduced the board game, Organ Attack! to the student leaders of the OUWB Hispanic Outreach Mentoring Program who offered as a "learnified gaming" activity on October 5 as part of the program to teach middle schoolers about the body. It was very well received, and Keith has been asked to repeat the session next year.
  • In the curriculum, M1 medical students learned how to counsel patients on locating reliable health information online from Stephanie Swanberg as part of the annual flu vaccine day in the Art & Practice of Medicine course.
  • And, in our continuing community partnership with Auburn Hills Public Library (AHPL), the Medical Library and Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group (LMIG) teamed up to host three health education programs at AHPL this month with a total of 31 participants!  
  • September 30: Safe Fun in the Sun session taught K - 3rd graders about skin and skin protection in a variety of interactive activities including sunscreen facts, a sun obstacle course, and sun soccer! Many thanks to our LMIG medical student leaders Mithya Jayakumar, Tyler Shibutowski, Lucas Nelson, Ryan Rogers, and Scott Sabbagh!
  • October 12: Dr. Virginia Uhley and Stephanie Swanberg taught a workshop on Fad Diets and where to find reliable diet information online to five very engaged adult attendees!
  • October 21: Spooky Bones session, originally created by Emily Yuen as part of her OUWB Summer Internship, covered the skeletal system just in time for Halloween! AHPL Librarian, Erin Look, started the session with storytime followed by bone facts, measuring bones, and building your own spooky skeletons led by our medical student leaders Emily Yuen, Tyler Shibutowski, Anna Bruins, Lucas Nelson, Scott Sabbagh, and Elizabeth Seeley!
Student Corner

Library Building Hours Over Thanksgiving Holiday

Kresge Library, including all Medical Library spaces, will have the following hours over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend:
  • Wednesday, November 27: closes at 8:00pm
  • Thursday, November 28: CLOSED
  • Friday, November 29: CLOSED
  • Saturday, November 30: reopens at 7:30am and 24/7 resumes
For current library hours, please visit the Hours webpage

Miss the October InfoBite on Exam Prep Resources?

No problem! Check out the Medical Library's Review & USMLE Resources online guide for a comprehensive list of our online question banks, eBooks, and print review collection. If you have any questions about accessing or using any of the exam review resources, please don't hesitate to contact us at medref@oakland.edu. 
Lessen Your Online Risks During National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Theme of National Cybersecurty Awareness Month: Own, Secure, Protect
by Margie Suchyta, Medical Library Technology Specialist
Phishing scams, ransomware attacks, and data breaches are increasing all over the world. While adults aged 18-34 are more technically savvy than older adults, they are also more likely to get hacked.

Good habits like brushing your teeth or working out keep your body healthy. Similarly, secure computer habits keep your online reputation healthy and your identity safe. This October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month — an opportunity to share the resources and knowledge you need to stay secure at school, at work and at home. 

This series of infographics provided by InfoSec can help you combat cyberthreats and protect you and your family from online attacks. We encourage you to read through the cybersecurity tips in the infographic and to share the information with your friends and family.
When it comes to cybersecurity, knowledge is power. Join us this October in the fight against cybercrime!

Questions? Comments?

Contact Stephanie Swanberg, Editor, Medical Library News at swanberg@oakland.edu

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