Office of Procurement

Dear Colleagues,

The Procurement Department is pleased to announce that the 2024/25 Fiscal Year has begun!  New-year accounts are available in WolfMart and purchase requisitions may be submitted now. In preparing your new-year purchase requisitions, please note the following:
  • Please be sure to select 2024 for the fiscal year for all NEW purchases. Note: non-encumbered payments may be submitted for eligible expenses incurred prior to July 1st.
  • You cannot re-use any shopping carts or requisitions created in FY 2023/2024. Directions on how to delete carts can be found here.
  • Research funds are not affected by the Fiscal Year change, so no changes are required to existing purchase requisitions.
If you have any questions about the fiscal year change, please reach out to the Procurement Systems & Operations team at or call the Procurement Office at 631-632-6010. Thank you very much and have a great evening!

The Procurement Office | Systems & Operations Team
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