Salmon Falls Gallery
Shelburne Falls, MA
Sat., October 5, 2024 at 5:00 pm
Over the next few months, Josh will be spending time in the gallery to meet and greet anyone interested. Did you meet Josh thirty years ago, and remember how little you paid for goblets? Do you have a funny Josh story you'd like to share with him? He might even sign a book for you!
Join us for light refreshments, sparkling conversation, and Josh! He will make a short presentation discussing his history, the Infinity Project, and whatever random thoughts come to mind. No registration required. Just join us and enjoy the evening with our community.
Another win-win! If you're in western Massachusetts for the first day of Josh's exhibition at Springfield Museums, Gilded Echoes, why not come on up to Shelburne Falls to Josh's gallery and chat with the artist himself?