Don't let the frost send a chill down the spine of your cold-sensitive plants! "Overwintering" sounds like an ordeal, but sometimes, it can be as simple as finding the right sunny spot to relocate a pot. With fall's cooler weather on the horizon, this is a weekend project that you'll definitely want to put on the books soon.
Today in
our blog, we're sharing tried and true techniques for overwintering some of your favorite plants:
Want to grow fruit but don't have much room to grow in? Little Miss Figgy Dwarf Fig is the perfect pick! Offering a generous crop of fruit in spring and fall, Little Miss Figgy is much more petite than other fig varieties, and is perfect for pots, balconies, and other small spaces!
Tip: In preparation for winter, place Zone 7 plants such as Little Miss Figgy along a south-facing wall to soak up some warmth, and trot it off to a garage or shed when the forecast dips below 0F.
Warm Weather Ornamentals Like Platinum Beauty Lomandra:
Texture-rich ornamentals like Platinum Beauty Lomandra offer dramatic visual interest to the garden, undulating in the breeze and supplying beautiful, subtle color in abundance. Some Zone 8 plants such as Lomarda Platinum Beauty can head straight to a cool garage or cellar where they can wait out the winter. Tip: Pop a smaller plant in its nursery pot directly into a container in spring and summer - when it's time to relocate the plant for winter, the job's as easy as lifting the nursery pot back out again!
We've got plenty more overwintering tips and tricks for your favorite plants - be sure to check out
our blog for more!