Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Elysian Charter School of Hoboken
Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director
Elysian Charter School
Weekly Newsletter

A Positively Different Public School

January 29, 2018                  Vol. 13  Issue 20
The school newsletter is sent out on Mondays.  When there is a holiday, the newsletter is sent the following day. 

Please note:  Send news to deb.rosner@ecsnj.org by 9:00 AM on Mondays.
Harry's Corner 
From ChildMind.org 

Mindful Parenting
Use mindfulness techniques to take stress and anxiety out of raising kids
By Juliann Garey

Cynthia Braun remembers all too well what weekday mornings used to be like at her house. Since her husband had to leave early for work, it was up to Braun, a pediatrician with a practice in Pleasantville, New York, to get Anika and Devon, then 6 and 3, up and dressed, give them breakfast, pack their lunches and get them to preschool. “Our morning routine just was just a lot of work,” she says. “Nobody was doing what they were supposed to be doing. They could care less about the time while I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything done.”

It’s a familiar scenario for a lot of parents with school-age kids. And for parents of kids with issues like ADHD, transition times like getting to school or moving from one activity to another can be especially difficult. Another mom, Sandy Isaac, says that when not one but both of her kids, then 8 and 4, were diagnosed with ADHD, it was a lot to take in. She realized things at home had to change.

Both Braun and Isaac enrolled in Dr. Mark Bertin’s mindfulness-based parenting class. “I felt like I was not being as good a parent as I wanted to be and I wanted to figure out if mindfulness could give me a better perspective and some strategies to implement,” says Braun.

Dr. Bertin, a developmental pediatrician who specializes in treating kids with issues like ADHD, autism and learning disabilities, says in general he runs a pretty traditional medical practice. But he’s been a practitioner of mindfulness for nearly 20 years. In 2007, he began offering Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Classes for parents of kids with and without special challenges. “Often when you have a kid with ADHD,” he says, “you have a very stressful family situation and I think one of the things that happens is that things get very focused on helping the children, which is fine except that the parents get stressed and overwhelmed.”

The largest section of Dr. Bertin’s book, The Family ADHD Solution, is devoted to mindfulness for parents because, he says, “parenting in general, but especially parenting kids with disabilities, is really, really stressful. And when it comes to ADHD, there’s research showing that parents are at a much greater risk for anxiety, depression and marital stress.”

Slow things down

Braun says through Dr. Bertin’s class she not only developed a mindfulness practice of her own (which includes guided mediation, body scan, and breathing exercises) but she learned that slowing things down, stepping back and observing her own reactions, gave her the perspective to effectively restructure her family’s morning routine. “I realized I was pushing them to do things really fast. He’s three, he wants to choose his own clothes, and if he puts it on backwards, I was realizing that’s okay. It’s okay for them to be mismatched. It doesn’t really matter if they have toothpaste on their T-shirts. Things don’t have to be a certain way. I’m going to make my morning slower. I’m going to wake them up earlier. I’ll have to get up earlier, but I want our mornings to start with a happy mood instead of all this stress and rushing.'”

Mindful mornings may be less efficient, but they’re more pleasurable. “What’s happening right now is all there is,” Braun adds. “Why make everybody unhappy? If we’re five minutes late to preschool it doesn’t change anything. What changes things is the frustration, and the stress that builds up and then everything unravels.”

Isaac says she learned from Dr. Bertin techniques to keep things from escalating when somebody isn’t on board with whatever the agenda is. “He brings a lot of insight into really taking the time to step back,” she says, “and looking at what creates that situation, and slowing people down.

PTSO Corner 

Classroom Pictures Coming Soon

All classroom photos will be delivered to Elysian in 3-4 weeks. They will then be sent home in backpacks. 


The Winter session of Dance with Derrick (both classes) will begin next week - Feb 5th and Feb 6th.  
This week is the FINAL Chess class for the Fall session.  The Winter session of Chess Club will begin next Wednesday, Feb. 7th.


On Friday, February 2nd Elysian will have its first TAG Day of the school year. In honor of the SuperBowl, students are encouraged to wear sports themed clothing for a suggested donation of $1. TAG Day proceeds go towards lowering the cost of the 5th grade’s annual overnight Mystic, CT field trip. 

Tickets for New Vic's Bromance, 4:30 Performance

Wed., February 14 are available

BROMANCE: Barely Methodical Troupe

The New Victory Theater in NYC
60 minutes, no intermission

Bromance stars a trio of friends who flip, throw, and catch each other.  They turn handshakes into handstands and race through fast-paced, high-risk stunts featuring adrenaline-fueled contemporary acrobatics!

If you are registered for Elysian’s After School Program, and you wish for your child to go to the theater as part of the after school program, you must complete a permission slip (which will be passed out during After School).

If you wish to accompany your child/friend’s children, please contact Lynne.Shapiro@ecsnj.org.  
She will take your names and put you on a list of attendees. She will also let you know ticket cost.  You will not need permission slip.

This Week's Basketball Practices
Grade 3: Tuesdays: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Grade 4: Green Team: Wednesdays: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM  
Grade 4: White Team: Fridays: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Grade 5: Fridays: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Grade 6: Mondays: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM  (Including Intramural Game)
Grade 7: Thursdays: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Grade 8: Thursdays: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Girls 6-8: Wednesdays: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Children waiting for a practice to begin will be able to attend Aftercare at no cost.  Any child attending Aftercare must start right at the end of the school day and may not leave the school building and then return.
***Games will be listed in the calendar below***

School Directory 

If you wish for a whole school or just a class directory, either a hard copy or by email,  please contact Deb.Rosner@ecsnj.org. 
Please note: some of our Elysian families requested that their personal information not be published.
Elysian Summer Camp 2018 --- Save The Date

ANOTHER GREAT SUMMER AWAITS YOU.....Elysian Summer Camp is back for another 2 weeks of fun-filled, action packed activities and summer fun.  The camp will run the weeks of July 30th and August 6th.  Camp enrollment information to follow in the next few weeks. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions, you can email summercamp@ecsnj.org

      Elysian Collects Box Tops and LABELS for Education
         Look for the container near Deb's desk in the office!  Thank you!

Lost and Found

We have many items (jackets, sweatshirts/hoodies, gloves, hats, etc) that need to find their way back home. Please come and take a look in the Main Office. 
As per state law, we no longer publish the exact location of trips for security reasons.
Please read the calendar weekly, as changes are updated regularly.
    Please see above under "This Week's Basketball Practices" for grades, dates and times of practices.
    Monday January 29
    • Elysian20 Homecoming Committee Meeting, 6:00 PM 
    Tuesday, January 30
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 7 vs. Hoboken Middle School Knicks, 6:15 PM, Multi
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 8 vs. Hoboken Middle School Nets, 7:15 PM, Multi
    Thursday, February 1
    • Game - Elysian Charter 5 vs.Stevens Red 5, 6:45 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 7 vs. Hudson, 6:15 PM, Multi
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 8 vs. Mustard Seed, 7:15 PM, Multi
    Friday, February 2
    • Game - Grade 5 vs. Wallace Grey 5, 7:45 PM, Wallace
    Saturday, February 3
    • Game - Elysian Charter Girls vs Hoboken Middle School White. 1:00 PM, Multi
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 4 vs. Hoboken Charter Red 4, 5:40 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Connors Calabro 3 vs. Elysian Charter White 3, 6:30 PM, Wallace
    • Game - All Saints 3 vs. Elysian Charter Green 3, 7:20 PM, Wallace
    • Game - All Saints 4 vs. Elysian Charter Green 4, 8:10 PM, Wallace 
    Monday, February 5
    • Board Meeting, 7:00 PM (rescheduled from January 22)
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 7 vs. Stevens Co-op White, 6:15 PM, Multi
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 8 vs. Stevens Co-op Red, 7:15 PM, Multi
    Wednesday, February 7
    • 1/2 day, 12:30 PM dismissal, Aftercare available 
    Thursday, February 8
    • Game - Elysian Charter 6 vs. Hudson 6, 7:45 PM, Wallace
    Friday, February 9
    • Game - Elysian Charter 5 vs. Stevens Purple 5, 6:45 PM, Wallace
    Saturday, February 10
    • Game - Elysian Charter Girls vs. Hoboken Middle School Red, 3:00 PM, Multi
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 4 vs. Hoboken Charter Red 4, 2:20 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 4 vs. Hoboken Charter White 4, 3:10 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 3 vs. HOLA 3, 4:50 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 3 vs. Wallace Black 3, 5:40 PM, Wallace
    Monday, February 12
    • Game - Elysian Charter 6 vs. Stevens 6, 7:45 PM, Wallace
    Wednesday, February 14 
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 7 vs. Hoboken Middle School Nets, 6:45 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 8 vs. HOLA, 7:45 PM, Wallace
    Thursday, February 15
    • Game - Elysian Charter 6 vs. Mustard Seed 6, 7:45 PM, Wallace
    Friday, February 16
    • Report Cards distributed at dismissal. Cards not picked up will be mailed home.
    Monday, February 19 - Friday, February 23
    • February Break - Elysian closed
    Saturday, February 24
    • Game - Elysian Charter Girls vs. Hoboken Charter School, 1:00 PM, Multi
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 4 vs. Hoboken Charter White 4, 4:50 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 4 vs. Wallace Black 4, 6:30 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 3 vs. Wallace Black 3, 7:20 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 3 vs. Hoboken PAL 3, 8:10 PM, Wallace
    Monday, February 26
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 7 vs. Hoboken Middle School Bulls, 6:15 PM, Multi
    • Game - All Saints vs. Elysian Charter White 8, 7:15 PM, Multi
    Wednesday, February 28
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 7 vs. Mustard Seed, 6:45 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Elysian Charter White 8 vs. Hoboken Middle School Bulls, 7:45 PM, Wallace
    Thursday, March 1
    • Game - Elysian Charter 5 vs. HOLA 5, 7:45 PM, Wallace
    Friday, March 2
    • Community Meeting - 8:30 AM, Gym
    • Game - Elysian Charter 6 vs. Hoboken Charter Red 6, 6:45 PM, Wallace
    Saturday, March 3
    • Game - Elysian Charter Girls vs. Stevens Co-op Red, 2:00 PM, Multi
    • Game - Elysian Charter Green 4 vs. Wallace Black 4, 3:10 PM, Wallace
    • Game - Connors Calabro 3 vs. Elysian Charter Green 3, 6:30 PM, Wallace
    • Game - All Saints 3 vs. Elysian Charter White 3, 7:20 PM, Wallace
    • Game - All Saints 4 vs. Elysian Charter White 4, 8:10 PM, Wallace
    Tuesday, March 6
    • Game - All Saints 5 vs. Elysian Charter 5, 7:45 PM, Wallace
    Friday, March 9
    • Friends of Elysian Annual Auction & Fundraiser, 7:00 PM-10:00 PM, HUB-16 Hudson Place 
    • Game - Elysian Charter 6 vs. HOLA 6, 8:45 PM, Wallace
    Tuesday, March 13
    • Elysian Annual Meeting - 6:00 PM, Gym
    • Game - Elysian Charter 5 vs. Wallace Black 5, 6:45 PM, Wallace
    Wednesday, March 14
    • 1/2 Day, 12:30 PM dismissal, Staff Development
    Monday, March 26
    • Board Meeting, 7:00 PM
    Thursday, March 29
    • 1/2 Day, 12:30 PM dismissal
    Friday, March 30 - Friday, April 6
    • Spring Break - Elysian Closed

    1460 Garden Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030
    Harry Laub, Ph.D., Director | harry.laub@ecsnj.org | Phone:201.876.0102 | Fax:201.876.9576
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