NSCM eUpdate April 26, 2021
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the department of security proposed a UCF Video Camera Standards document?
We ask that you review it and share all comments/feedback with Boyd Lindsley.
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Spring 2021 Grading Information
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Online Grading for Spring 2021 grades will be available in https://my.ucf.edu from April 26 at 8:00 a.m. through May 7 at 12:00 p.m.
Navigate to Faculty/Advisor Self Service > Instructors > View My Teaching Schedule > My Grade Roster icon for your class.
Import Grades from Webcourses
The following documents are also attached for your use.
- Grade Processing Procedures Cover Memo
- Upload instructions
- Spring 2021 Online Grading Overview
The Registrar’s Office is available to assist instructors who would like help in entering or uploading their grades. This assistance is available by phone at 407-823-5510 or by email at grades@ucf.edu.
Key Dates:
- April 26, 2021 - Grade Rosters available to instructors – 8:00 a.m.
- May 7, 2021 Grade Rosters must be set to ‘Approved’ – 12:00 p.m.
Important: when you set the grade Roster Status to “Approved” You will receive an email confirmation from rogrades@mail.ucf.edu
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REMINDER: Summer Syllabi Deadlines
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Faculty are encouraged to submit Summer 2021 course syllabi by Friday, May 14 for Summer A, C, D and Friday, June 25 for Summer B but must be submitted no later than the second week of class. The NSCM template is available on the Nicholson Resource Form Page under Other. You may also find additional information related to the syllabus including required components and links to the UCF Syllabus template in the NSCM Handbook beginning on page 30. If you need to make special arrangements, please reach out to your contact person listed below:
- Debbie Doyle at Debbie.Doyle@ucf.edu the syllabi for programs in Film and Mass Media group.
- Jamie Kosnosky at Jamie.kosnosky@ucf.edu the syllabi for programs in the Communication, Games and Interactive Media or FIEA groups.
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REMINDER: 2020-2021 Faculty Annual Reports — Submission Deadline May 7
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All faculty will use the Sedona reporting system to enter information to be included in their 2020-2021 Faculty Activity Reports. Access to Sedona, the Sedona Training Manual and Sedona Training PowerPoint can be found on the Nicholson Resource Sedona. The Faculty Annual Reports (FAR) and AESP documents for reference are on the Nicholson Resource Forms page. If faculty want to view their Spring 21 SPOI’s prior to submitting their materials, they must send a written email request for a 21-day extension to robert.littlefield@ucf.edu.
The faculty documents to be submitted include:
- COS Faculty Annual Evaluation (FAR) Report
- Updated CV
- AESP document
Faculty Activity Report (FAR) and AESP document: Faculty should enter information from May 8, 2020, to May 7, 2021, using Sedona. Information for both documents can be saved in PDF or Word format when complete. Please be sure to press the submit button on the AESP self-evaluation, to automatically submit.
Updated CV: Faculty members may use the updated CV generated by the Sedona template or may submit an updated CV using their own format.
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UCF Abroad — Calls for Proposals for Spring & Summer 2022
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UCF Abroad, which is part of the Division of Student Learning and Academic Success, is accepting proposals for faculty-led study abroad programs for spring and summer 2022. The purpose of these trips is to enrich the university's educational programs by enhancing learning through experiences that take advantage of locations outside the U.S.
Faculty interested in leading a study abroad trip should be knowledgeable about the locations and develop strategies to connect the sites abroad to the program's expected learning outcomes. To propose a study abroad learning experience, please submit a program proposal to Oliver McSurley via email by May 10, 2021. Applications and submission instructions are available on the UCF Abroad website.
UCF Abroad places the highest priority on the health and safety of our faculty and student travelers. Due to the ongoing health and safety concerns presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting uncertainties of international travel, be advised that all submissions will be assessed with enhanced safety protocols in mind. Faculty Leaders may be asked to acknowledge and adhere to new regulations and procedures for program development and execution as a condition of proposal acceptance.
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Bringing the Gap Between Scientists and the Public — April 27 & 28, 2021
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COVID-19 and Faculty Productivity Study
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A collaborative team of research faculty from the University of South Carolina (UofSC) and the University of Central Florida (UCF) are conducting a study supported by the UofSC Office of the Vice President for Research, “Examining the Disproportionate Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Work and Productivity of University Faculty.” In this study, we focus on understanding the scope and type of impact the pandemic has had on faculty members in terms of their research, teaching, service, practice, work-family balance, and personal mental/physical wellbeing. They also explore faculty perceptions on potential strategies and policies that could be used to ameliorate the impact of the pandemic on their own productivity and wellbeing.
To participate in this research, please follow the link below and complete the anonymous survey. The survey is anticipated to take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Participating in this survey is entirely voluntary. The survey measures the ways that faculty members may have been affected by the pandemic and explores their perceptions of a variety of strategies that may be employed by universities in response to the pandemic.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study, please contact Dr. Barbara Koons-Witt at bakoons@mailbox.sc.edu, Dr. Tia Andersen at tstevens@mailbox.sc.edu, or Dr. Catherine Kaukinen at Catherine.Kaukinen@ucf.edu. You may also contact the University of South Carolina’s Office of Research Compliance at (803) 777-6670 regarding your rights as a research subject.
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Tallahassee Update — Week 7 & 8
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Please find attached a summary of activities in the State Capitol during Week 7 & 8 of the 2021 Legislative Session which included the opening round of budget proposals for the 2021-22 fiscal year.
These updates are provided to keep you informed of the major developments in budget and policy issues impacting the state universities as the state legislative session moves toward its scheduled April 30 conclusion.
A bill tracking chart, and further information on specific legislation of interest, can be provided promptly on request. For more information, please email Janet D. Owen.
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In an effort to ensure faculty and staff have a confidential way to share their thoughts/concerns and/or suggestions for improving the school’s operations/functions, a ‘virtual suggestion box’ has been created.
To access this, please click here or the button below.
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