Clemson’s Department of Marketing awarded its first marketing degree in 1987. At that time, gasoline cost $.97 per gallon, and an unfurnished apartment would only set you back $400/month. A lot has changed in 35 years! Faculty and students have come and gone, we’ve gone through College reorganizations, completed a physical move from Sirrine Hall to our new home in Wilbur O. and Ann Powers Hall and established an M.S. marketing degree and an Advisory Board. Despite the changes, our commitment to providing outstanding undergraduate and graduate education remains steadfast. The students who have graduated over those 35 years have gone on to make a big impact in our community and world, and have become the backbone of a strong alumni network. We invite you back to Clemson to help honor these accomplishments and celebrate our future. Please Save the Date for our 35th Anniversary Alumni Tailgate on Homecoming Weekend. We hope to see you all on campus this Fall!
Jennifer Siemens, Ph.D.
Department Chair