Track the steps of the sales process, not just the results.
Track the steps of the sales process, not just the results.
Harpeth Marketing
Harpeth Marketing
News You Can Use
Thought of the month: “Sales prospects don’t care about what you can do… they care about what you can do FOR THEM.”

Measuring Sales… it’s Not just about Revenue
In my first sales job after college (many, many, many years ago), my first Vice President once said to me, “I don't care how many sales calls you make… as long as you hit your sales goal.”
And for him – because he was being judged on revenue – that makes perfect sense. But for the day-to-day management of salespeople, that’s a bad way to manage. Let me explain…
While the end goal is, of course, to generate revenue… it’s the steps in the process they get you there. Make no phone calls, send out no emails, deliver no capabilities presentations… and you'll generate no revenue. So clearly, sales activity is critical to sales success!
That means that one of the first directives of sales management is to help to develop the various sales activities of each of your salespeople. The better they can be at each of the specific tasks, the more successful they will be in the end. 
To read the complete article, CLICK HERE.
May-June Webinar Lineup...
Below is the list of our upcoming May & June webinars (all free) created for professionals in the Market Research industry. Please take a look at them on our website and make plans now to join us
  • May 5th: 13 Common Mistakes You’re Probably Making with Your Website
  • May 19th: 14 Smart Selling Ideas for the Part-time Salesperson
  • June 2nd: BRAND NEW! Blogging Success in the Market Research Industry
  • June 16th: 10½ Tips for Better Email Marketing Results
To learn more or to register for an upcoming session, go to:
Thoughts on Marketing & Sales
Our blog, The Competitive Advantage, contains ideas, thoughts and opinions on marketing & sales for firms in the Market Research industry from Steve Henke, the President & Founder of Harpeth Marketing.  His most recent posts include:
  • Former Clients + Coffee = New Business Opportunities
  • Using webinars for marketing? Follow these 4 guidelines.
  • The 3 Cardinal Rules of Building Awareness
  • Why is ‘thank you’ so often ignored?
  • “Why should I care?”… the question your website visitors are asking!
Worth Reading
Every month, we scour the internet looking for resources that we think might be beneficial to you.  This month, we came across two articles that we thought were very interesting...
We hope you like them.
Learn More About Harpeth Marketing
Vol. 5, No. 9 
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Download the 2017 SourceBook today!
The 2017 M|R Advertising & Marketing SourceBook is a brand new resource for the Market Research industry.
It’s got all of the pricing, placement and option information you need from some of the biggest and best marketing and promotional outlets in our industry. And it’s all complied for you in this easy-to-use reference guide.
CLICK HERE to download your copy of the 2017 SourceBook.
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