"Arts activities really allow her to express herself at a deeper level"
Dear Friend, 
At Upstream Arts we are constantly evaluating our work, asking what is making the most powerful impact, and learning where we can add depth.
We are excited to share that our Minneapolis Public Schools 18-19 evaluation data has been complied, and the results are incredible!  Not only are the numbers illuminating, but the quotes, poems and pictures all share the depth of our work with our partners.
Cover of the Report to the Community: Teaching Artists and a student with arms outstretched, fingers crossed, in the ASL sign for "Respect." Text: Upstream Arts 2018-2019 Report to the Community. Evaluation Results on Programming for Minneapolis Public School District
We're looking forward to continuing this impactful work in collaboration with MPS, other districts, including St. Paul, Fridley, and Forest Lake, and our community partners.
With abundant thanks for all that you do,
Julie, Matt, Bree, and everyone at Upstream Arts
P.S. Don't forget to RSVP for the October 2 screening of Intelligent Lives at Highland Park St. Paul Public Library.
Join us from 6-8pm for this powerful film followed by a facilitated post-show discussion. 
Detail of a multi-colored abstract painting with blue, red, and pink dots and yellow squiggles.
You can be part of this creative, expansive work by investing in Upstream Arts!
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