April 2019
Newsletter of the Kensington Heights Civic Association
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KHCA is a non-partisan neighborhood organization dedicated to representing the interests of all homeowners and residents of the Kensington Heights neighborhood in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in our community

>> April 16:  KHCA Executive Committee Meeting -- All Are Welcome
Time:  7:30 pm
Place: 10801 Torrance Drive, home of Ann and Alberto Arevalo
If you have thoughts or feedback about matters relevant to KHCA but cannot attend our meeting, you may contact us by using this link.
>> April 28, 9:30am-12noon: FOREST BUFFER CLEANUP & 12noon EV/PHEV Info
KHCA will be celebrating good stewardship of the earth on April 28 with the annual forest buffer cleanup around the Mall's ring road. KHCA and our friends from Westfield Mall Wheaton will be teaming up to make the area between the Mall and KHCA sparkle. We will be gathering at Kenmont Swim Club and heading out from there to pick up trash and debris. We'll begin at 9:30, work for a couple of hours and regroup back around 12noon to feast on pizza. Please join us -- it's for a good cause. And so that we know how many pizzas to order, please let us know you'll be coming using this link.
Plus, while the pizzas are being enjoyed at 12 noon, there will be the opportunity to learn more about Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs). EV and PHEV owners from our neighborhood are volunteering to bring their cars to Kenmont Swim Club and talk with those interested in these cars. Here are some things you can learn:
  • What are federal and state tax credits for purchasing a new EV or PHEV?
  • How much does it cost to install a home charger, and are there tax credits/incentives?
  • What options are there out there -- from Chevrolet, Fiat, Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, Tesla, Nissan, etc.?
  • Help save the world!

>> Wheaton Triangle Traffic Issues
The March meeting of the Wheaton Urban District Advisory Committee focused on the traffic flow around the Park and Planning building project on Triangle Lane in Wheaton as well as the planned road changes. The proposals were presented by the Department of Transportation. The plans show that access to parking in the building will be from Grandview. Reedie and Grandview will be reconfigured so that it will no longer be possible to make a left turn onto Reedie from Grandview. Instead, all traffic will be channeled to the right and directed onto Veirs Mill – meaning that the turn will put all traffic onto the stretch of Reedie that is intended to be closed on most weekends to allow it to function as part of the “community plaza” that will be located on both sides of Reedie. It would seem that people will need to get used to some complicated driving patterns, especially if Reedie is eventually closed entirely as occurs on Ellsworth in downtown Silver Spring.

Further, there was discussion about larger issues in the general area, including problems with the current access points for the Mall and traffic backups as well as suggestions about what more could be done by the Mall, the County, and others to make this area function better. Analysis still needs to be done, but the Committee appears to be very involved and interested in these issues. KHCA intends to take an active interest in these efforts as the area is a front door to our community. 

>> Update: Public Meeting on Kensington Self-Storage Building Proposal   
On March 26, a second public hearing was held on the proposal to build a six-story building at the corner of Plyers Mill and Connecticut in Kensington on the site of a closed gas station. The original concept was a mixed-use building with retail on the lower floors and a residential area above. This did not happen; there may have been issues particularly pertaining to residential units given noise and past use as a gas station. At this point, there does not appear to be a market for office space, but there is interest in more self-storage. As proposed, the units would be behind one-way glass so they would not be overly visible, and the building would be brick (first two floors) and light-colored facade above. The plan also includes restaurant space on the first floor with most of the second floor being used for artist studios run by Artists and Makers, a group with two similar facilities already operating successfully in Rockville. Its facilities have public access events monthly and many of the artists offer classes for the public.  
Discussions at the meeting reflected both those interested in the retail/artist space and those concerned about the impact of the facility on the area. There was concern about the added traffic and whether the proposed 60 parking spaces would be sufficient; self-storage generates less traffic than other uses and yet the master plan contemplates an active use of the site. Others were concerned that, at 6 stories, the building would be too big, even though it would be within the 75-foot maximum allowed under Kensington’s master plan. Within the basic parameter of needing to have the self-storage to make the project financially viable, the developer indicated a willingness to offer a redesign. The project is classified as “conditional use,” meaning that the town has a great deal of control and input into the project and can impose a variety of conditions. However, that discretion is not unlimited -- the developer could sue if denied a permit  or could withdraw the plan. KHCA will continue to monitor this project as moves along.          
>> Accessory Dwelling Units:  Considerations Continue 
In the March newsletter, we reported on the proposal to increase the availability of “accessory dwelling units” or “ADUs” in Montgomery County. Some see these as a way to add to the housing stock of the county and make housing more affordable. Others are concerned that it acts as an “up-zoning” of much of the county beyond that allowed under the major zoning rewrite completed a few years ago; they have concerns about the potential for crowding, added pressure on schools, competition for parking, and creating incentives to make these into AirBnB units. A public hearing on the issue was held last month, and KHCA sent written comments suggesting a “go slow” approach in light of the fact that there was a need for public education and that earlier changes to the regulations had been made only last fall and had not yet had time to be fully implemented or evaluated. The County Executive does not support the proposal in its current form, but it is not known if he would be willing to accept modifications to the proposal. The Council’s Planning, Housing, and Economic Development Committee had an initial work session on March 18 on the proposal, and a second one was held on April 4. The Committee is reviewing an extensive staff memo which provides the background on the proposals as well as a series of possible alternatives. The March hearing can be viewed at this link. KHCA will continue to monitor these activities.                 
>> Speed Limits Reduced on Georgia Avenue in Wheaton and Silver Spring
In April the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration reduced speed limits on Georgia Avenue (Rt 97). The changes are part of a new comprehensive urban mobility-focused program to enhance pedestrian safety. For more info, click here
>> Free Shade Trees If You Qualify
Montgomery County wants to increase the amount of the county's tree canopy, particularly in urban areas. If you qualify, the County provides shade trees (8-12 feet) at no cost. Info is here. Although it appears that not all within KHCA may qualify, it is possible there may be exceptions as well as alternatives. So, if you hope to get a jump start on creating a shady spot in your yard, check it out! 
>> Montgomery County Civic Federation
Information about the activities and meetings of MCCF can be found in the MCCF Newsletter at this link. The mission of MCCF is to preserve and improve the quality of life for current and future residents of Montgomery County.  Civic associations, including KHCA, are constituents of MCCF. All county residents are welcome to attend MCCF meetings so they can interact with other communities around the County and meet State and County officials. 

President:                            Karen Cordry (Torrance Drive) karenc425@aol.com
Vice President:                    Erl Houston (St. Paul Street) erlhouston@verizon.net
Secretary:                            Ann Arevalo (Torrance Drive) annarevalo@hotmail.com
Treasurer:                            Jim Ryan (Brunswick Ave) Jim.ryan@longandfoster.com

Immediate Past President:     Danila Sheveiko (Melvin Grove Court) dsheveiko@hotmail.com
Beautification Chair                Jon Foreman (University Blvd)  jonforeman@gmail.com
Communications Chair           Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue) shruti_bhatnagar@yahoo.com
Education Chair:                     Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue) shruti_bhatnagar@yahoo.com
History Chair:                         vacant
Land Use Chair                      Derek Karchner (Torrance Drive) dkarchner@gmail.com
Safety Chair:                          vacant
Traffic Chair:                           Andrew Fraser (McComas Avenue) afraser@sandglass.com
Newsletter:                             Christine Taylor (Torrance Drive) ctaylor3450@gmail.com
Website:                                 Ricardo Gonzalez ricardo@bobbleheaddw.com

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