Welcome Chris Lane, Music Director
Welcome Chris Lane, Music Director
Tufts University Chaplaincy
E-NEWs  10.20.15
Christian Lane, Music Director
Welcome Chris Lane, Music Director
The Tufts University Chaplaincy is pleased to announce the appointment of Christian Lane as Music Director effective October 1, 2015. 
Chris holds degrees from the Eastman School of Music and Yale University and is vice president of the American Guild of Organists. He teaches a large and vibrant organ studio in Boston and frequently performs throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. He has served within several of the nation's most prominent parish music programs, including the Episcopal churches of Trinity-on-the-Green (New Haven) and Saint Thomas Fifth Avenue (New York City). From 2008 to 2014, he was Associate University Organist and Choirmaster at Harvard University, and he currently serves as Director of Music at All Saints Episcopal Parish in Brookline, Mass.
Serving part time in the Tufts University Chaplaincy, Chris will provide organ and piano accompaniment to the weekly Protestant Worship Service on Sundays at 7 pm in Goddard Chapel during term. He will also coordinate and play six other concerts during the year, including the Halloween Midnight Organ Concert on Saturday, October 31 at 11:50 pm in Goddard Chapel, and the Winter Holiday Concert on Wednesday, December 2 at 4:30 pm in Goddard Chapel. He will change the Goddard Chapel carillon tune monthly and provide educational musical notes on the tunes, and he will play other occasional celebrations and services on campus, including Ash Wednesday, weddings, and celebrations of life. Anyone interested in studying organ is invited to reach out to him to discuss organ lessons.
To learn more about Chris, please click here.  
Senior Commencement Speaker Nominations – The Wendell Phillips Award
Each year, one senior is chosen to be the class speaker at Commencement, and the speech takes place during the Baccalaureate Service. Established in 1896 and named for Wendell Phillips, the speech is intended to deliver a social justice message for our time.
Faculty, staff, and students may nominate seniors to apply to be the Wendell Phillips Speaker, and seniors many self-nominate. The application requires a resume of public leadership and service activities, a written essay, and a recorded speech.
Applications are reviewed by the Committee on Student Life (CSL), and they will invite finalists to present brief speeches at an open forum in March. The CSL then selects the winner.
To make a nomination, please visit: http://ocl.tufts.edu/wendellphillips. 
This year’s deadline for nominations is November 2 at 5 pm.
For more information, please contact Joseph Golia, Director of the Office for Campus Life, at joseph.golia@tufts.edu or x73212.
Religious and Philosophical Life Programs
Faculty and Staff Mindfulness Series: 6-week course from October 19-December 7
Would you like to have more energy, be more productive, and improve your health? Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way. Practicing mindfulness can help you stay calm and focused in the midst of a busy day. This course is taught by Marathon Health Coach and Register Nurse Janet Fontana. Register for this course by calling The Wellness Center  at 617-627-0467. Sponsored by the Tufts Wellness Center and the University Chaplaincy.

Pizza and Conversation with Katherine Smith, Assistant Dean of Admissions at Vanderbilt Divinity School

Tuesday, October 20, 4:15-5:30 pm, Eaton 301
Thinking about a carer in ministry, social justice, or religious studies? Katherine Smith, Assistant Dean of Admissions at Vanderbilt Divinity School will be present to talk about the graduate programs Vanderbilt Divinity has to offer and to answer your questions. No RSVP required.
Creative Compline
Farm to Table Shabbat: The Double-Edged Fork Edition
Friday, October 23, 5 pm, Tufts Hillel 
This Farm to Table we’ll be focusing on telling and empowering alternative narratives through food. To start off the goodness at 5 pm, Hillel will host a fun, interactive discussion in the Hillel library (get ready to move and meet new people). We will be having the usual Reform and Conservative services, in addition to an intentional earth-based service space led by Noah Weinberg at the same time. Following the discussion and environmentally focused services, at 7 pm we will serve a delicious, locally-sourced dinner. You can find more information on the Facebook page.
Protestant Students Association Annual Apple Picking Event
Saturday, October 24, 1 pm
Join PSA members and head over to Shelburne Farms for some fun fall festivities. For more information, please contact Chanta.Bhan@tufts.edu
Protestant Worship Service: Guest Preacher Jeff Mansfield
Sunday, October 25, 7 pm, Goddard Chapel
The Reverend Jeff Mansfield has been Associate Pastor at First Church Somerville UCC since 2011. Originally from Rhode Island, Jeff studied English and Religion at Boston University and earned his Master of Divinity at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. While in New York, Jeff worked as the Chaplain to the NYC Restaurant Industry out of Judson Memorial Church in Greenwich Village and he worked as a labor and community organizer at the Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York (ROC-NY).
Jeff also did a stint in construction, working for Habitat for Humanity in Miami. He loves theater and grew up acting and directing in high school and college. While running from the call to ministry, he worked as a theater technician in the California's Bay Area. Now he puts most of his energies for performing and directing into preaching and creating really good church. Besides sermons, Jeff writes a lot of other stuff - most of it mythology and fairy tales.
In 2004, Jeff thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine and he likes to get out into the woods and the mountains as much as possible. After his experience on the trail, he began learning about and practicing Zen Buddhist meditation which led him to a love of interfaith dialogue and cooperation. Jeff thinks a lot about masculinity - what it is and what its spiritual significance might be to a masculine person. Jeff is a feminist, an anti-racist, an LGBTQ ally. He's been proud to be involved with progressive and radical social movements and organizations like Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter. One of his passions in ministry is to equip the Church - through the radical teachings of Jesus - to be a new institution for peace, justice, faith, and community building in the 21st century. Jeff lives in Ball Square with his fiancee Bonnie.
Special Lecture in Commemoration of Muharram: Social Media and Islamic Ethics
Sunday, October 25, 6-10 pm, Interfaith Center (58 Winthrop St.)
Join the Tufts Muslim Chaplaincy in welcoming to campus Cameron Zargar for a discussion of contemporary Islamic values and ethics for communications in the digital world.  Dinner is provided.  All are welcome.  RSVP is appreciated for planning purposes, but not required: Celene.Ibrahim@tufts.edu
Cameron Zargar graduated from U.C. Berkeley in 2003 with a degree in Near Eastern Studies, focusing on Arabic and Islamic history. He then began his studies in the ḥawzah system of theological education in Iran where he spent nine years learning the traditional sciences of Arabic grammar, logic, theology, law, and Islamic Philosophy under several of the most esteemed contemporary Islamic Scholars. Currently Zargar is a PhD student of Islamic Studies at UCLA.
The Fletcher Conference on Religion, Law, and Diplomacy
Saturday October 31, 9 am-4 pm, ASEAN Auditorium
This first-time conference will bring together academics, practitioners, and religious leaders to discuss the roles religion plays in myriad issues spanning from security to civic engagement. The one-day conference, consisting of keynotes and three panels—Security and Conflict, Rights and the State, and Politics and Identity—will provide a forum to explore how religion affects these spheres and how an understanding of religious influences improves policy-making. Email ReligionLawDiplomacy@tufts.edu with any questions or look up more information at Fletcher Conference on Religion, Law and Diplomacy website. 
Fletcher Conference on Religion, Law & Diplomacy
The Intimacy of Memory: Opening Reception and Conversation
Wednesday, November 12, 5-7 pm, Gallery Talk 6:15 pm, Slater Concourse Gallery, Aidekman Arts Center
A mixed-media exhibition on death and remembrance by artist Nancy Marks, also including artwork by the participants of the Intimacy of Memory Workshop, sponsored by the Tufts University Chaplaincy. The Intimacy of Memory Workshop invited Tufts students, staff, faculty, and alumni to create pieces of art based on objects they kept in memory of a loved one. The exhibit will run from November 1 to November 30. For more information, please contact Muslim Chaplain Celene Ibrahim at celene.ibrahim@tufts.edu or visit nancymarksartist.com.
The Intimacy of Memory
Off Campus Programs

The Anonymous People Screening
Wednesday, October 21, 6:45 pm, Grace Episcopal Church, 160 High Street, Medford
The Anonymous People is a feature documentary film about the 23.5 million Americans living in long-term recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. The moving story of The Anonymous People is told through the faces and voices of the leaders, volunteers, corporate executives, and celebrities who are laying it all on the line to save the lives of others just like them. This passionate new public recovery movement is fueling a changing conversation that aims to transform public opinion, and finally shift problematic policy toward lasting recovery solutions. This event is free and open to all.

Subverting the Gospel of Guns
October 22-23, Andover Newton Theological School, 210 Herrick Rd, Newton Centre
A two-day summit that will unite religious, civic, and academic leaders in a discussion of the epidemic of gun violence raging through American cities. Keynote speakers are Attorney General Maura Healey (Commonwealth of Massachusetts) and Mayor Martin J. Walsh (City of Boston). Registration required.

Discerning a Collective Call to Action
Saturday, November 21, 9 am-5 pm, Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 138 Tremont St. Boston MA 02111
How does a broken world break your heart? How are you called to heal it? Who will join you? Come answer these questions with the Leadership Development Initiative, where potential teams will dialogue and practice together to discern the urgent needs in their community and other places they feel called to act by learning and practicing public narrative. More information about this faith-driven response to community needs can be found here. All materials and breakfast and lunch will be provided. Register here.
Resources, Scholarships, and Opportunities

Join Moral Voices
Fridays, 12-1 pm, Tufts Hillel
Tufts Hillel invites you to join the Moral Voices committee. Moral Voices is a social justice initiative run through Tufts Hillel (Open to everyone) focusing on a different theme each year. This year our theme is Homelessness in America. Throughout the year we plan events, bring speakers, and provide volunteer opportunities related to homelessness and its intersections with other social justice causes. These events culminate in a keynote speaker who will give a lecture in Cohen Auditorium in the spring. We would love students from all branches of the Tufts community to join the committee to help plan and organize these events and opportunities. Our meetings are every Friday from 12:00-1:00 pm at Tufts Hillel. For more information, please contact Itamar Ben-Aharon at itamarba@gmail.com or Erica Tooch at erica.tooch@tufts.edu.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service 2016
Last year, Tufts' interfaith and Africana Communities organized Tufts' first annual MLK Day of Service. Approximately 80 students and staff from the Tufts community joined together to serve at various sites in the greater Boston area. If you are interested in joining the planning team for this year's Day of Service or would like more information, please contact Zachary Cole at zachary.cole@tufts.edu.

6th Annual Women's Center Symposium on Gender and Culture - "Belonging" -- Deadline extended
What does it mean to belong, and what makes us feel like we belong? For the 6th Annual Women's Center Symposium on Gender and Culture on Friday, December 11, we are investigating the personal and political nuances of belonging. We encourage a broad interpretation of the theme "belonging" and welcome academic papers and presentations across all disciplines and on a variety of topics. Any interested Tufts undergraduate or graduate student may submit abstracts describing your topic and outlining your argument. Please submit an abstract of ~300 words (no more than 1 page), describing your paper, presentation, performance, or other proposal to Bryn Gravitt (bryn.gravitt@tufts.edu) by Friday, October 30. 

Partner Programs
Pause for Paws
Tuesday, October 20, 12-1 pm, Latino Center
Take a break from studying and come practice mindfulness techniques and pet a dog (or two) at the semester's first Pause for Paws event. Meet Maddie and her handler Jay, and Bear and his handler Nandini. Open to all Tufts students.
The Union Movement: What's Happening in the National Union Landscape
Tuesday, October 20, 4:30-6 pm, Cabot 206
Featuring representatives from janitorial, food service, and faculty unions. Sponsored by the Latino Center.
The Sporkful Live Podcast Recording at Tufts
Tuesday, October 20, 7:30 pm, Cohen Auditorium
Join Tufts Alumnus and The Sporkful host Dan Pashman for a live reocrding of his popular podcast. The Sporkful explores the huge, fun world of food and eating that lies beyond the realm of chefs, restaurants, and recipes. With guest comedian Myq Kaplan on food terminology, DJ Rekha on Diwali food and bhangra music, and Tufts professor Rob Devigne on Socrates, Nietzsche, and snack mix ethics.  Alumni reception afterwards with Dan Pashman, Myq Kaplan, Rob Devigne and more.  Plus performances by Tufts Beelzebubs, Shir Appeal, and Bhangra. Tickets are avilable at tuftstickets.com

From Voice to Influence: Preparing for Civic Agency in a Digital Age with Danielle S. Allen
Wednesday, October 21, 12:30 pm, Cabot 702, Fletcher School
Join Tisch College for a brown-bag lunch discussion with this year’s recipient of the 2015 Tisch Research Prize, Professor Danielle Allen. Allen is director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and professor in the Department of Government and Graduate School of Education at Harvard University. She is a co-editor of the recent book "From Voice to Influence: Understanding Citizenship in a Digital Age" and a member of the Youth Participatory Politics Research Network. She will present and discuss ten fundamental design principles for those seeking to be, or support, change-makers who work with digital tools. The design principles were developed through her work with the MacArthur Foundation research network on youth and participatory politics. This event is organized by the Initiatives in the Public Humanities at Tisch College and co-sponsored by Boston Civic Media. Please RSVP by emailing Jessica.Byrnes@tufts.edu.

Recovering Equality in America with Danielle S. Allen
Wednesday, October 21, 5:30 pm, Interfaith Center (58 Winthrop Street)
This year’s recipient of the Tisch Research Prize, Professor Danielle Allen was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in 2002 for her ability to combine "the classicist's careful attention to texts and language with the political theorist's sophisticated and informed engagement." Among her many books is "Our Declaration: A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality," which was featured on the front page of the New York Times. A renowned scholar in many fields, Allen has doctorates in both classics and political science and also writes about education and race in contemporary America. This event is co-sponsored by the Center for Race and Democracy, the Africana Center, and the departments of Classics, History, Philosophy, and Political Science.

Please register here: http://activecitizen.tufts.edu/events/#DanielleAllen.

Marathon of Majors: Majors Fair
Thursday, October 22, 12-3 pm, Tisch Library Patio & Roof
Rain Date: Monday, October 26, 12-3 pm, Tisch Library Patio & Roof
Come chat with faculty, declared students and Tufts resources. The first 100 students will receive a water bottle. Sponsored by the CTAs and co-sponsored by the ACE Fellows.

Tisch Distinguished Speaker Series: Larry Summers
Tuesday, October 27, 5:30 pm, Alumnae Lounge
Tisch College continues its distinguished speaker series with Lawrence H. Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor and President Emeritus of Harvard University. During the past two decades, Summers has served in a series of senior policy positions in Washington, D.C., including the 71st Secretary of the Treasury for President Clinton, Director of the National Economic Council for President Obama and Vice President of Development Economics and Chief Economist of the World Bank.

Asian American Jeopardy
Thursday, October 29, 6:30 pm, Rabb Room
Come and test your knowledge of Asian and Asian American topics. Dinner provided. Featuring our faculty/administrator participants: Mary Pat McMahon, Student Affairs; Noe Montez, Drama; David Proctor, History (playing on teams with students); and Chip Gidney, Child Development, as our host.

Rocky Horror Screening
Friday, October 30, Time TBD, Barnum 008
Join the LGBT Center and Film Series for our annual screening of Rocky Horror Picture Show. This Halloween celebration is not to be missed. Last year we were at capacity, so come early. Some props provided, but there is a costume contest, so get creative. If you are interested in performing in the Team Q Rocky Horror shadow cast, contact: Shakura Cox. For more information contact the LGBT Center at x73770 or check out our website: http://ase.tufts.edu/lgbt/

Killing us Softly with Your Rights: Iranian Transgender Refugees and the Politics of Death
Thursday, November 5, 7 pm, Cabot Room 206 
Please join us for a lecture and discussion on the politics of life and death and Iranian queer and transgender refugees in Turkey by Dr. Sima Shakhsari, Wellesley College. Dr. Shakhsari's research addresses national and neo-liberal gendered subjectivities and their contestation and production through online and offline hetero-normative disciplining and normalizing techniques.

Where's Gender? An Interactive Mapping of the Tufts Campus
Tuesday, November 10, 9 pm, Lewis Hall Lounge
Join us for snacks and a fun activity where we unpack gender at Tufts.  Co-sponsored by Residential Life and Learning, LGBT Center, and Women's Center. For more info contact: steph.gauchel@tufts.edu

Tisch Distinguished Speaker Series: Women In Politics
Thursday, November 12, 5:30 pm, Alumnae Lounge
Join distinguished women politicians who have worked at all levels of government for an engaging discussion of politics and women’s leadership. Since 2013, Katherine Clark has served as Congresswoman for Massachusetts’ 5th district, representing 24 cities and towns including the area of Tufts’ Medford campus. Ayanna Pressley has served on the Boston City Council since 2009, when she became the first woman of color ever elected to the Council. Keiko Orrall is the first Asian-American woman to be elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives. She represents the 12th Bristol district. 
Weekly Gatherings

Note: Additional gathering times are still being finalized and will be added in the coming weeks. For more information, please contact chaplaincy@tufts.edu. 

  • Tufts Hindu Students Council: Puja, 9-10:30 pm, Goddard Chapel
  • Capen Bible Study: Bible Study, 8-9 pm, Capen House
  • Tufts University Unitarian Universalists (10/7, 10/21, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2): Meeting, 7-8 pm, Interfaith Center
  • C. Stacey Woods Programming Board: Large Group, 7:30 pm, Granoff 155
  • Tufts Buddhist Sangha: Meditation, 8:30-10 am, Goddard Chapel
  • Non-denominational Christian Fellowship: Large Group, 7:30-9 pm, Interfaith Center
  • Tufts Freethought Society: Weekly Discussion Meeting, 7:30 pm, Eaton Hall 202
  • Tufts Muslim Students Association: Jumah Prayer, 1:15 pm, Interfaith Center
  • Catholic Community at Tufts: Reconciliation or Contemplative Prayer, 3-5 pm, Interfaith Center
  • Tufts Hillel: Conservative & Reform Shabbat Services, 6 pm, Granoff Family Hillel Center
  • Tufts Hillel: Shabbat Dinner, 7:15 pm, Granoff Family Hillel Center
  • Chabad at Tufts University: Shabbat Dinner, 6:45 pm, Rohr Chabad House
  • Chabad at Tufts University: Shabbat Service, 7:30 pm, Rohr Chabad House
  • Tufts Hillel: Conservative & Reform Shabbat Services, 10:30 am, Granoff Family Hillel Center
  • Tufts Protestant Students Association: Worship Service, 7 pm, Goddard Chapel
  • Tufts Buddhist Sangha: Meditation, 7:15 pm, Rabb Room, Lincoln Filene Hall
  • Capen Bible Study: Bible Study, 8-9 pm, Capen House
  • Capen Bible Study: Prayer and Worship, 9-10 pm, Capen House
  • Catholic Community at Tufts: Mass, 10 pm, Goddard Chapel
To learn meeting times for the following groups, please see our website for student leader contact information:
  • Tufts Baha'i Students Association
  • Tufts CAFE (Interfaith)
  • Tufts Campus HOPE (Seventh Day Adventist)
  • Tufts Latter-day Saints Students Association 
  • Tufts Orthodox Christian Fellowship
  • Tufts Sikh Students Association
About the University Chaplaincy Enews
The University Chaplaincy Enews is published weekly by the Tufts University Chaplaincy to promote programs and opportunities related to spirituality, ethics, culture, and social justice. To propose announcements for inclusion please contact chaplaincy@tufts.edu.
About Us
The Tufts University Chaplaincy is a dynamic hub supporting religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life for all members of the Tufts community. We provide pastoral care, support religious and philosophical communities, educate about spiritual and ethical issues in society and the world, and promote multifaith engagement.
Tufts University Chaplaincy | Goddard Chapel, 3 The Green | Medford, MA 02155 US
chaplaincy.tufts.edu | chaplaincy@tufts.edu | 617.627.3427
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