Time to pack and send care packages to our college students!
Time to pack and send care packages to our college students!
April 6, 2016
Parkway Hills Youth Ministry: Building on a Foundation, Changing for the Future
The Staff Parish Relations Committee and the Youth Ministry Team are pleased to share with you some important news regarding our Parkway Hills Youth Ministry. 
First, we have added a new staff member.  Angie Williams will be joining us to coordinate, resource and lead our youth program and youth ministry team.  Angie served from 2006 to 2009 as our Director of Children and Family Ministry.  She comes on board to help us continue to build a stronger youth ministry team, engage more people in our congregation with our youth, and to help us keep finding the best ways to minister to our youth and their families.  Welcome aboard, Angie!
Second, Ann Messner and Matthew Kirk will be transitioning from paid youth leaders to unpaid youth leaders.  We greatly appreciate all Ann and Matthew have done for our youth.  Although they will be transitioning, we want to assure you that they will continue to be youth leaders!  We'll continue to enjoy their unique gifts, their ability to connect with our youth, and their relentless efforts to help our young people know they don’t walk alone.  We are so fortunate to have people like Ann and Matthew on our youth ministry team.
Third, we are welcoming a college intern on our youth ministry team for this summer!  Dani Jennings will be with us for twelve weeks this summer to help lead Bible studies, small groups, morning worship, and summer mission projects.  She cannot wait to get started!   Dani, a student at Mississippi University for Women, is on track to graduate from the “W” in the spring of 2017.  She grew up in Brandon, has been an active member at Wells UMC in Jackson nearly all her life, and is a nine-year Lake Junaluska veteran.  She brings with her a passion for service and mission as well as a dedication to growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ!  Among her great loves is the Yellow Schoolhouse in Jackson, a project that helps children retain what they learned in their previous year of school. (Youth, be ready for some opportunities to serve children in this area).  Dani will start with us in late May.
 We will continue to do all we can to grow our youth ministry.  Parents, we need you now more than ever!  We need you to help us grow a stronger youth ministry!  We covet your prayers and service.  We believe that the best is yet to come for our youth ministry!  

Tonight's Menu:  Hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, corn-on-the-cob, chips, fruit and dessert.
Dinner at 5:30, followed by programs at 6:15 pm.
We are so proud of all of our graduates!  Please help us recognize them on
Baccalaureate Sunday, April 24th
If you, or someone you know is graduating from high school, college, or graduate school this May, please allow us to honor you for this accomplishment. We would also be happy to recognize any of your classmates who do not have their own church home.  We need this information by Monday, April 18th.  Everyone should be applauded and prayed for at this milestone! 
It is time to encourage our college students with prayers, messages of love, and yummy homemade treats as they finish papers and study for final exams.  If your business has any promotional swag (such as go-cups, lanyards, fisbees, notepads), we would love to add that to the boxes, too. Some schools begin exams very early this year, so we plan to pack the boxes Wednesday night, April 20th.  To let us know you can bake, donate treats, or to add or update your college student's address:  Contact Mary Lee Reed
ALL WOMEN:  make plans now to attend the Women's Luncheon on April 23, from 11 am-1 pm. Event Cost is $10, payable at the door, with all proceeds benefitting the Back Pack Ministry.
We still have some Table Host spots available.  To serve as a host, to RSVP, or if you need more information, contact Kari Miller.
April's Communion Offering supports our Bunk Bed Ministry.  
Communion Sunday Worship Services:
April 10, 2016

Acolyte for 8:30 Service
Sarah Beth Black
Acolytes for 10:45 Service 
Bailey Tullos, Sela White
Greeters for 8:30 Service
Tommy and Leigh Murphy
Greeters for 10:45 Service
Melvin and Lara Spell
Bob Abney, Dewey Boles, Buford Clark, Jeff Allen,
Steve Beagles, Cari Brown, Charles Guess
Offering Counters 
Buford Clark, Wayne Johnson
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Juliet Huam has designed some easy-to-sew drawstring bags to fit walkers, wheelchairs, or simply tie onto belt loops.  She has on her heart to create these bags, fill them with toiletries, and donate them to the homeless. Would you like to help her?  Let her know.
Record of Our Faithfulness
April 3, 2016
Attendance:  8:30 am - 104
SS - 111 10:45 am - 133
Chuch in the Round - 13
January - March 2016
Expenses: $197,546.94
PHUMC’s Trustees invite you to a church wide

There are many jobs; big and small, inside and out that need to be done to keep our beautiful campus in tip-top shape.  Please make plans to join us from 8:00 am - 12 noon (or for as long as your schedule will allow) on Saturday, April 16th to continue to have an inviting place to worship and to share with our community.
Lake Junaluska  
June 24th - July 2nd
Save this week for service, spiritual growth, and a memorable time of friendship, faith and fun! $100 deposit due on Friday, April 15th.
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