March 29, 2023  

Welcome      Grow       Serve      Celebrate

This Sunday we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and mark the beginning of Holy Week.  Holy Week is a week full of movement and emotion, people and places, highs and lows.  If there is one week of the year that I encourage people to take advantage of the opportunities offered to more fully enter the story of their faith, it is this week. Take time to read through all the ways Parkway Hills will walk through this Holy Week and join us as you are able.  

Sunday, April 2: Palm/Passion Sunday Worship @ 10:45 am.
Our children will aid us in worship and we will listen to the story of the Palms and the Passion that mark the beginning and end of Holy Week. Following worship, our children (through 5th grade) and families will gather in the Garden Room for lunch and then head outside for our KidMin Easter Egg Hunt. We always need volunteers to aid with this event. Reach out to Pastor Haven if you are free and willing to help hide eggs.

Wednesday, April 5 @ 6pm:
PopUp Book Club: The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James Cone. Bring a snack to share and meet in the Garden Room for fellowship and conversation. Drinks provided.      

Maundy Thursday Meal and Worship: April 6 @ 6 pm   
We will eat and share table, sing, listen to scripture, celebrate communion, and end by stripping the church as Good Friday approaches.  RSVP required by Monday, April 3.  Click here or call the church office (please note with your RSVP if you will require the nursery).

Good Friday Prayer and Picnic @ noon
Bring your own brown bag lunch and join us at noon in the worship center for a brief prayer service followed by a picnic on the grounds. Our stations of the cross will also be open for you to walk. Youth Egg Hunt will follow noon prayer and picnic.  
Saturday, April 8 help decorate our Easter flower cross. Drop off fresh flowers or greenery in the kitchen when you come Good Friday, or anytime between 9:00- 11:00 am Saturday. Contact Rebecca Olack if you'd like to help.

Easter Day Worship @ 10:45 am Sunday, April 9!

-Pastor Dawn  
To reserve your candle, click here. For each name remembered or honored, cost is $10. Reservation forms are also available in the foyer of the Worship Center and in the Church Office on Linda's desk. Deadline for reservation is April 4.

Come Meet and Visit with the Bishop!

All are invited to Chat and Chew with Bishop Sharma D. Lewis at Galloway Memorial United Methodist Church, Saturday April 22 at 11:30 am. RSVP with the district office here if you plan on joining them for the meal. To read about previous chat and chew gatherings with Bishop Lewis, click here. Register by  April 17.

PHUMC Women's Ministry

Lots of fellowship and good food were shared by the PHUMC Women's Ministry at Women's Night Out at Sal and Phil's in Ridgeland. Jessica Snyder, Mary Lee Reed and Dawn Flowers won the door prizes. Special thanks to Judy Porter for organizing the fun event. 
Our next ministry event is: 
Sunday, April 23: Our Nadia Bolz-Weber watch party last year was a hit, so we are having another, this time with Kate Bowler. Join us in the worship center at 6:45 the evening of Sunday, April 23. Bring a snack to share and we will watch the livestream of Kate Bowler sharing at the Renew conference. For more info, click here.
Or check out her blog

We need your help to celebrate Spring and Easter hope at Parkway Hills.  Do you love to do tablescapes?  Do you have china you never use?  Sponsor and decorate a table for our celebrate Spring tablescapes meal and fellowship. You do not have to attend the meal to do a table. Do you hate to decorate? Do you wonder why anyone has fancy china? Then just show up, eat, enjoy some live music, and fellowship. While this event is designed for our senior adult ministry, everyone is welcome to attend, and we hope you will invite a friend!  
Here is all you need to know:
What: Celebrate Spring Tablescapes, Music, Meal and Fellowship/$5 a plate
When: Thursday, April 20 @ 11:30
*RSVP by calling the church office or clicking here by Monday, April 17
*Contact Judy Porter if you are willing to decorate a table.  

Beds For Kids

Three kids beds were recently delivered by PHUMC volunteers in the Beds for Kids Ministry.
We partner with neighboring churches to construct beds for families in need. In addition to labor, we also encourage individuals, families, and groups to sponsor the making of a bed.
Our volunteers meet in the basement to work, while also helping to deliver beds as needs arise. Beds for Kids is in the process of compiling a running list of volunteers to aid with delivering the beds.  If you would like to be included on that list, please click here to fill out the form.  We know everyone will not be available each time, so we need a good list of contacts on hand so that we can deliver as many beds as are needed.  Please consider aiding us in this most important and rewarding piece of this ministry.  (And if you have friends/connections that would like to be involved, send the form their way. What a great way to invite people to join us in ministry.)

For more info, contact the PHUMC office.
Mark your calendars to support PHUMC's Vacation Bible School this Summer. Our theme this year is Operation Restoration, where we learn about the many ways to mend God's world through the themes of healing, forgiving, praying, and resting. This is a great time for your kids to invite friends and neighbors to join in the fun, so be on the lookout for the registration link soon. 
Volunteers Needed
We need your help as we prepare for Operation Restoration, June 11-14. Click this link to register as a volunteer. We'll need volunteers in the areas of arts, storytelling, music, science and nature, mission moments, snack supper, decorations, registration and more. There's a place for everyone to volunteer and assist for a restorative week of VBS. A nursery will be provided for parents that are volunteering for VBS, so please let Haven know if you plan to volunteer and will need the nursery. 
-Coffee shop hangout at Cups in Madison tomorrow (Thursday, March 30), after school! Come grab a drink and enjoy the weather with us. 
-We will be having Engage on the evening of Palm Sunday. Join us in the youth suite from 5:30-7:30!
-The Youth Easter Egg Hunt will follow the Good Friday Noon Prayer and Picnic on April 7.
-Adults, we have a few Holy Week needs coming up. Click here to see how you can get involved!

-We're headed back to Panama City Beach, July 2-7! Registration is $380, and a $50 deposit secures your spot. Click here to make a payment, or contact Geoff for more info. 

PHUMC dedicated its Free Little Library on campus March 22.
   Meeting This Week: 
Choir practice tonight at 6:15.
Men's Morning Group meets every Thursday morning at 7:30 am.
Join them in the Garden Room or 
via Zoom.
   **New Meeting ID: 823 5246 2635
     New Password: 142295
Handbell practice 9:00 am Thursday in Choir Room.

Parkway Hills Women meet via Zoom every Saturday morning at 10 am.
Meeting ID: 848 7196 9988 (note new meeting ID number)
Women of ALL ages are always welcome!

Palm Sunday: Kids help with worship; lunch and Easter Egg Hunt following Worship.
Choir: 5:30 pm practice this Sunday. 
ENGAGE: Sunday 5:30-7:30 pm  in the youth suite.

Prayer Quilt Ministry: meets every Monday from noon until 3:00 pm.

Year to Date, February 2023
Income: $95,757.94
Expenses: $88,763.35
March Communion Offering to date for UMCOR: $931.00
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