The trees are beginning to dazzle us with their autumn colors and my thought turn toward the holidays. This year I find myself in the position of wanting to celebrate two Thanksgivings – in October with our Canadian friends and again in November. This year I need two Thanksgiving because there is so much to be thankful for at FISH.
We have the most incredible volunteers who find meaning, purpose, and delight in serving the community. We have had a banner year because the number of new volunteers is astounding. There is no revolving door for FISH volunteers – our volunteers tend to stay on for years – and we are thankful. We even have second generation volunteers!
Pat Yenni was a FISH volunteer from 1976 and a faithful Care-A-Van driver for years. Her daughter-in-law, Nadine delivers groceries for the HOPE program, is a Clothing Room volunteer, our Treasurer, and serves on our governance board.
Also in 1976, Eva Berger became a FISH volunteer driver and the first ride finder. Her daughter-in-law, Courtney, is one of our Tuesday faithful Food Room volunteers. Those of you who have looked at our website may recognize Courtney ringing bells at Sonoma Market along with her daughter Camryn – now THAT is a record of three generations!
In 1977 Marjorie Hanson joined FISH and served in several capacities. Her daughter-in-law, Sandi Hanson, is a FISH driver who is currently out on leave due to challenging family medical issues.
However, the spotlight goes to FISH volunteer of years past Mary Vernon whose two daughters, Marilyn Vernon and Nancy Garner, until just recently, were key volunteers in the Food Room.
Nancy and Marilyn (their smiling faces are pictured above) have decided to hang up their FISH aprons and they are sorely missed. Their contributions were focused in the Food Room with additional responsibilities for purchasing, organizing, sorting canned goods from food drives, packing, and some very heavy lifting. Deepest thanks to these incredible sisters.
After nearly a million miles of driving as a FISH volunteer, we say goodbye to Don Booker who spent a little time in the hospital recently but, we are very happy to report, is doing great. As Ligia reports – it is a true miracle – and we are thankful.
Even celebrating two Thanksgivings is not enough time to express my gratitude to our fantastic, dedicated volunteers. Thank you, thank you, thank you – to each and every one.
A Warm Welcome to our newest Volunteers |
- Janet Engelbrecht, Clothing Room
- Douglas Harris, Driver
- Elizabeth Shea, Food Packer
- Mark Scott, Driver
- Duane Percox, Food Dispenser
Laura Dominguez, Bilingual Dispatcher (pictured above with veteran volunteers Ligia and Beverly)
And this is a good time to acknowledge Lauren Scott, a new-ish volunteer who has taken on purchasing for FISH. She has met the good people at Sonoma Market and keeps up our supplies. Lauren also completes the orders to Redwood Empire Food Bank AND does the inventory in the Food Room.
Lauren visited FISH along with a group from Impact 100 who were following up on a grant application.
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She liked what she saw and has become a most valuable volunteer. And for the cherry on top - Lauren attended our recent ice cream social with her husband and, before they left, Mark became a driver for FISH!
"Sundaes on Saturday" Social |
Over 80 volunteers came together in September to enjoy ice cream donated by Straus Creamery while meeting and greeting each other. The event was so successful that we are planning for "Cookies & Hot Chocolate" some time in January. Thanks to all those who came and special thanks to Joanne Brown and Alan Piotter for scooping generous portions of ice cream, Arlene Holt for taking reservations and making nametags, and to Sherry Michael for laundering all those tablecloths!
Two lovely sisters who raised pigs for Sonoma Valley High School FFA and for 4-H had their porkers purchased by Ned Hill of La Prenda Vinyards Management and Dr. Guy Delorefice of Sonoma. The pork was delivered to the FISH Food Room cut, wrapped and frozen. FISH has been able to supplement our food boxes with cuts of pork. Ned and Dr. Guy purchased the pigs at auction and then had the girls find a special nonprofit to accept the donation. Congratulations to the sisters for raising these incredible animals and a special thanks to Ned Hill and Dr. Guy for their generosity and the wisdom of involving the girls in the donation process. Well done and we are grateful.
Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn has donated boxes of individual bottles of shampoo, body lotion, and shower gel. Pictured are Ari and Sandy who meet periodically to refresh the supply donated by SMI.
We are also grateful for the ongoing support from Sonoma Market. We order ground turkey, margarine, toilet paper, and bags for our food baskets at a discounted price. More recently, we have received hundreds of recycled and recyclable bags as a donation.
On November 4th the local Scouting groups will sponsor a "Scouting for Food" Drive throughout the valley. You’ll receive a door hanger announcing the event and the Scouts will pick up the donated items left on porches that Saturday morning. All the canned goods are gathered and sorted at Fiesta Center and transported to FISH or the Bielfelt’s garage for additional sorting before they are distributed. These dedicated Scouts and their leaders have been conducting this food drive for years. After the food drive, the FISH Pantry is well stocked and ready for the annual influx of calls from those whose jobs disappear or hours are cut due to the winter weather.
Holiday Food Baskets
FISH will distribute the Holiday Food Baskets on Saturday, December 16th at Hanna Center. Registration for the baskets begins at FISH in October and at La Luz and Sonoma Valley Community Health Center in November. Our target is 525 baskets of fresh produce, local cheers, and a gift card. The Holiday Food Basket team has had several meetings to insure a smooth distribution and plenty of food. A special thanks to all our partners including Hanna Center, La Luz, Sonoma Valley Community Health Center, and community volunteers. We also want to acknowledge all the schools and businesses that participate in Pennies for Produce that helps underwrite the cost of the fresh produce.
Bell Ringing for FISH
Once again, our Rotarian friends will be ringing bells at Safeway, St. Andrew Presbyterian members will ring at Lucky’s, Glen Ellen/Kenwood Rotary will ring at Glen Ellen Market and a larger group of individuals and organizations will ring at Sonoma Market. This is the only fund raiser conducted by FISH and it supports the Holiday Food Baskets.
Holiday Toys
Wondering who is doing Toy Drives this year? There are three organizations that provide toys for Sonoma Valley children. Secret Santa organized by Sonoma Country’s Center for Volunteer & Nonprofit Leadership, Angel’s List is organized by Salvation Army, and Toys for Tots is organized by the Lighthouse Christian Church with distribution at the Verano Avenue site.
FISH Tales from our Coordinators |
Peggy Carroll, transportation coordinator, was driving a person to a radiation appointment when her riders shared, “I have met the nicest people ever since FISH has been helping me. I almost don’t want the therapy to be over. Sometimes your FISH driver is the highlight of my day! No one complains or talks about politics. All are very pleasant people.”
Karen Fagen, our utilities coordinator, was working with a family in need of assistance and called me to report, “The caller has uterine cancer and is scheduled for immediate surgery. This put a huge burden on the family with four children because she works fulltime and is the only income earner because her husband is also under cancer treatment." Karen provided utility assistance and referred the family to other FISH resources. This family is new to FISH and I am happy that FISH was there to help ease their burden.
Beverly Koepplin, our dispatchers coordinator, shared how Kara (one of our Spanish speaking Dispatchers) went above and beyond to help one of our callers. There was a hiccup in a ride for a medical appointment. Kara made calls to confirm the situation and to help the person. The person was able to find her own driver but needed gas. Kara sent a request for gas to Sherry Michael. She then translated for the applicant to explain the plan. The person was able to keep her medical appointment and FISH provided gas for her medical appointment. Our FISH Dispatchers are great problem solvers.
Sherry Michael, rent coordinator, was able to assist an 84-year-old lady whose saving had been depleted and who could no longer afford her rent. With her savings gone, she is now living on Social Security of less than $1700 per month. FISH helped with half of her rent for one month which allowed her to seek low-cost housing.
I believe that the entire Sonoma Valley community is thankful for FISH and its ability to provide these services and lend a hand to those in need. Yes, indeed, I am celebrating Thanksgiving for two months!
- Sandy
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