McNamara Incorporates Entrepreneurship Into Healthcare VIP |
Cici McNamara, an assistant professor in the School of Economics, received a Jim Pope Fellowship from Georgia Tech's startup incubator CREATE-X. She will use the funds to integrate entrepreneurship into her Health Care Consolidation Project VIP.
| From Breakbeats to the Dance Floor: How Hip-Hop and House Revolutionized Music and Culture |
Hip-hop and house both have their origins in the 1970s and early 1980s. But it was only in 1989 that an award category for “best rap performance” started recognizing hip-hop’s contribution to U.S. music, and house had to wait another decade, with the introduction of “best dance/electronic recording” in 1998. Read the article by Joycelyn Wilson (Literature, Media, and Communication).
Faculty and Staff Award Nominations Open |
Nominate yourself or a colleague for a Center for Teaching and Learning faculty teaching award! Packets are reviewed by a committee of past recipients, and winners are announced during the campus faculty and staff honors event. The nomination deadline has been extended to Friday, Feb. 14.
Nominations are also open for the annual Institute Staff Awards, which celebrate outstanding staff members across the Institute. Nominations close Sunday, Feb. 16.
Adam N. Stulberg (International Affairs) recently presented on Russian President Vladimir Putin's "red lines" at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.
Muchin Bazan-Ruiz (Economics) presented "To Inspire and to Inform: The Role of Role Models" at the 2025 Allied Social Science Associations’ annual meeting in January. Bazan-Ruiz's research investigates the link between face-to-face interactions with female role models and high school students' preferences for engineering programs.
Lisa Yaszek (Literature, Media, and Communication)
Society of Women Engineers
Marilyn A. Brown (Public Policy)
Matthew Oliver (Economics)
Dina Khapaeva (Modern Languages)
America 2.0
Robert Rosenberger (Public Policy)
Ça m'intéresse
Milton Mueller (Public Policy)
Rest of World
Dalton Lin (International Affairs)
SET News (Taiwan)
Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Workshops |
These virtual workshops will provide an overview of reappointment, promotion, and tenure (RPT) processes and guidance to tenure-track faculty members, especially those who are preparing to submit their dossier for review next academic year.
Faculty, school chairs, school RPT chairs, and RPT administrators are invited to attend. The virtual workshops will be recorded and posted on the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts website after each session (campus or VPN connection required).
Please register to receive a calendar invitation, including the videoconference link. Virtual workshop dates and times:
Promotion to Associate Professor and Tenure
Tuesday, Feb. 18
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Promotion to Full Professor
Tuesday, Feb. 25
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Critical Review
Thursday, Feb. 27
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 14, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Georgian Ballroom, Biltmore | RSVP required. Space is limited.
The 2025 recipient is María Corina Machado, a prominent Venezuelan political leader, industrial engineer, and human rights advocate. The award recognizes individuals who, by standing up for moral principles at great personal risk, have made a significant impact on society. Georgia Tech will host a luncheon featuring a symposium and the awards presentation. The entire campus community is invited to attend.
Friday, Feb. 14, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Exhibition Hall
Join us for our 20th annual Shadow Day, a premier recruitment event for the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts. Guests will be visiting our buildings and classes and interacting with faculty and staff. If you see our visitors, please feel free to welcome them and share what you love about the College. Thanks to all who are jumping in and helping with this event!
We'll also have a cool Valentine's Day display for photos ("I Heart GT Liberal Arts"). Please stop by Exhibition Hall between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. if you want to grab a photo. Please contact Elizabeth Miller if you have any questions about the event.
| Monday, Feb. 10, 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Petit Biotechnology Building, Suddath Seminar Room 1128
Neuro Next Seminar Series: "Engaging Scientists in Shared Responsible Innovation in Neuroscience & Neurotechnology in Southeast Asia," with Associate Professor Margaret E. Kosal in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs.
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