A View from the Board
The following is the latest in a series of monthly messages from the RVR Master Association Board, called "A View From the Board.” The messages summarize recent Board decisions and discussions, and are designed to bring RVR homeowners up to date on issues important to the community.
Summer doesn’t officially begin for nearly two weeks, but it sure feels like we’ve turned a corner and left mud season in our rearview mirrors.
The Ranch House pool is open. Tennis is in full swing. Our seasonal residents are back. And, we have a full plate of exciting and welcoming activities planned for all who enjoy RVR’s facilities and amenities.
There’s one more signal that summer’s nearly upon us: it’s time for the annual RVR Master Association Board election.
Two Open Seats: Every June, several RVR Master Association Board members’ terms expire. This year, it is our Board Vice President, John Lund; and me – your Board President.
Now, the community begins the process of filling those two seats. The terms are for three years on the Board.
If John and I are interested in continuing to serve, we will need to do the same thing as any other homeowner: declare our candidacy. The deadline for doing so is Friday, June 17.
Those of you who are interested in community service and neighborhood leadership have an opportunity to help RVR achieve its aspiration of being “a place we love to live.”
If that’s you, I encourage you to consider declaring your candidacy for one of the open seats. Click here to fill out your statement of candidacy.
A Simple but Important Mission: The Board has one mission that drives our decisions and our strategy: to preserve and enhance property values.
Like all homeowners’ association Boards, the RVRMA Board is responsible for maintaining our common areas, ensuring compliance with our governing documents, and conducting the financial business of the association.
It’s important work, often under-appreciated and un-noticed. No one serves on these boards to get famous, or rich. It’s all about a deep commitment to the community and a fulfilling sense of service.
Homeowners considering Board service should believe strongly in strengthening the community and enhancing property values. They should be committed to the current Board’s focus on strategic and long-range planning.
We have an excellent management team that does a terrific job with day-to-day operations; the Board’s role is more sharply focused on strategy, policy and governance.
Board candidates must see beyond their own issues and take on a fiduciary duty to the association as a whole. They must focus on the big picture, not their own neighborhood, their circle of friends, and their pet projects.
When you sit on the Board, you represent all 552 homeowners.
Here is the timeline for the upcoming Board election.
June 15:        Candidate “Meet-and-Greet” event
June 17:        Deadline for declaring candidacy
June 24:        Ballots sent out to all homeowners
July 15:         Deadline for returning ballots
July 18:         Election results announced
July 27:         Elected candidates installed at monthly Board meeting
If you have questions about the upcoming RVR Board election, or any other matters concerning our community, please contact us at: boardofdirectors@rvrma.org
The next monthly RVRMA Board meeting is set for Wednesday, June 22, at 5:30pm. It will be held in the Ranch House upstairs Board Room, and virtually by Zoom. Hope to “see” you there. You should receive an agenda for this meeting on the weekend of June 18-19.
On behalf of your volunteer RVRMA Board,
Gary Lesser
Board President
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