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March 2017
DSA "steps up" to the challenge!
participated in the American Lung Association's 2017 Fight for Air Stair Climb in March.
Are You a Naïve Investor?
By: Bob DiMeo, Managing Director
The Outsourced Chief Investment Officer
By: Jonathan Joseph, Institutional Consultant
Outsourced Chief Investment Officer, more commonly known as OCIO, refers to a model in which institutional investors engage a third party to manage all or a portion of their investment portfolio. In many cases, investors who choose the...
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Owning the Long Game
By: Linda-Eling Lee, Global Head of Research for MSCI ESG Research, MSCI, Inc. and Matt Moscardi, Head of Sector Research for MSCI ESG Research, MSCI, Inc.
In 2017, some of the world’s largest investors may differentiate themselves by gearing toward the long view as globalization and technological advancements have strained social cohesion and fanned populist sentiment. This year may usher in...
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February 2017 Market Commentary
High yield continued to perform well, outpacing most fixed income markets. The yield on the 10-Year U.S. Treasury was marginally lower for the month as the market digested various announcements from Fed members. Despite the headwind of a stronger dollar, emerging markets debt was...
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We congratulate the following Associates on their firm anniversaries:
Jim Modelski, CFS, Principal and Director of Communication & Education - 19 years
Aimee O'Connor, Senior Consultant, The Wealth Office™ - 10 years
Jenna Antonelli, Marketing Associate - 2 years
Brad Johnson, Performance Analyst - 2 years
Megan Keithley, Service Associate, Team Lead, The Wealth Office™ - 2 years
Priscilla Tang, Staff Accountant - 2 years
Ricardo Vieira, Consultant, The Wealth Office™ - 2 years
Ryan Walter, Consultant - 2 years
This report is intended for the exclusive use of clients or prospective clients of DiMeo Schneider & Associates, L.L.C. Content is privileged and confidential. Any dissemination or distribution is strictly prohibited. Information has been obtained from a variety of sources believed to be reliable though not independently verified. Any forecasts represent median expectations and actual returns, volatilities and correlations will differ from forecasts. Past performance does not indicate future performance.
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