Advancing Research, Scholarship, and Creative Endeavor
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Greetings from Notre Dame!
I wrote in my last message that I had publicly announced that I would step down as Vice President for Research (VPR) at Notre Dame on June 30, 2022. Due to transition in the Provost’s Office last winter, the search for the new VPR was paused until a new Provost was hired. As a result, I agreed to stay on in my role as VPR post-June 30th until a new VPR is in place. I call it “going into overtime.” The VPR search will restart very soon. While I hope the overtime period is short, it is an exciting time at Notre Dame with University-level strategic planning underway and numerous external opportunities—there is no problem staying motivated!
In March, the University announced the election of John McGreevy as the new Charles and Jill Fischer Provost at Notre Dame effective July 1. John is a Professor of History and a former Chair of History and Dean of Arts and Letters at Notre Dame. I know John to be very smart with high standards, ambitious for Notre Dame, and a very good listening and conversation partner. I’ve already had several meetings with John and am confident that research at Notre Dame is destined for another period of growth in scope, impact, and reputation.
| Robert J. Bernhard Vice President for Research
| University of Notre Dame adds two new hypersonics research facilities
The University of Notre Dame Turbomachinery Laboratory (NDTL) has completed construction of two new test cells in partnership with Hermeus, an Atlanta-based startup developing hypersonic aircraft, and FGC Plasma Solutions, a Boston-based startup focusing on combustion technology.
These dedicated research cells build upon NDTL's facilities for ram engine and high-Mach combustion testing. Both will serve as a critical resource for development of high-speed flight engines and hypersonic aviation.
| New discoveries may help usher in new era of cancer immunotherapy
Coleman Professor of Life Sciences and Chair of the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Brian Baker and Christopher Klebanoff from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center recently outlined the identification of a long-sought-after class of molecules that may lead to the development of widespread and less expensive new cancer therapies that engage the immune system. In the Nature Medicine publication, they also announced the discovery of a new “public” neoantigen.
| Novel study linking undocumented immigrants with primary care services significantly reduces emergency department use
Wilson Family LEO Assistant Professor Adrienne Sabety and a colleague from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology partnered with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to determine how access to primary care would affect both undocumented immigrants’ health and the use of emergency departments for routine care. The results of the 14-month study are available as a NBER working paper.
| Rise in trust of institutions led to boost in entrepreneurial intent, especially among STEM undergraduates
Lee and co-author Charles Eesley from Stanford University published their paper in the journal Organization Science, showing that high levels of corruption can negatively impact potential entrepreneurs.
| Supportive early childhood environments can help decrease effects of trauma, study finds
Experiencing a high number of adverse events in childhood correlates with worse health outcomes in adulthood. Darcia Narvaez, emerita professor of psychology, has helped identify humanity’s baseline for childhood care by working at the other end of the spectrum with a focus on wellness. In a first-of-its-kind study published in the journal Anxiety, Stress and Coping, results show that positive childhood experiences can help buffer the effects of adverse childhood experiences on physiological health in adult women.
| With land grabs comes competition for water — and local farmers are likely to lose
As part of a study published in Nature Communications, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Marc Müller and researchers at the Polytechnic University of Milan, the University of California, Berkeley, Colorado State University, the University of Delaware, and Vrije University Amsterdam studied 160 land deals made between 2005 and 2015 across Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia to quantify how the land acquisitions would cause competition and water grabbing, and how much is actually beneficial.
| Want to Be an Influencer? Here’s One Place to Start.
| The science of healthy baby sleep
College of Arts & Letters, Department of African and African American Studies
College of Arts & Letters, Department of Anthropology
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