"Without Sunday Breakfast, I wouldn’t know what I would have become."


You have changed Eric’s life, and have invested in his life transformation. Last fall, we shared the first half of Eric’s story with you.
When Eric hit rock bottom, he bought a bus ticket to Philadelphia and he came to Sunday Breakfast for a meal and shelter. Two years later, through your continued support, Eric has found joy, hope, purpose, and stability in his life once more. 
“Without Sunday Breakfast, I wouldn’t know what I would have become. They took me in and walked alongside me through everything,” Eric expressed with thankfulness in his voice. “I am so proud of myself. It was hard, but I am here now.”
Eric had a happy childhood. Sadly, just after his high school graduation, his mother passed away unexpectedly. “After my mom’s passing, I grew up real fast,” he remembers. 
Eric began working to support his younger siblings, and after twenty-five years as a firefighter, Eric became homeless when his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) became unmanageable. 
During his time in our Overcomer Program, Eric developed a heart of compassion. Eric has served as a mentor to men in need of encouragement and he tries to help them become a fighter against whatever struggles they may be facing.
Two years after first coming to the Mission for help, Eric is working through his PTSD every day and is grateful it no longer controls his life. “I live each day for God, I lean on him when things get hard,” Eric shared with tears in his eyes. 
Through God’s work in his life, and his work as a Mission staff member, Eric has found peace. “Because of my job, I have learned to be patient and how to be flexible. Most of all I have discovered new energy for each day, Eric shared with a big smile. 
Everyone at the Mission plays a role in serving and encouraging one another. Eric expressed his thankfulness for the volunteers for encouraging him while at work. Eric shares, “Every Wednesday, I get to work with Kit and Phil and they are great volunteers. We have built a team together. Now, every time there are volunteers downstairs, I say thank you and God bless you because I know firsthand how hard they work.” 
Eric has become an essential member of the Mission staff. Over the past 18 months on staff, he has developed new skills and has grown in his responsibilities. As part of the Operations and Maintenance Team, Eric helps keep the Mission running by completing preventive maintenance and needed repairs at the Mission. 
He is also building soft skills like critical thinking, project management, typing, basic computer skills, and conflict resolution. “I love my job, and I love how it gives my mind something to do all the time,” Eric concludes.
We are blessed to have Eric on staff. He is flourishing, achieving independence, and growing in his faith. Your commitment to meet Eric’s spiritual and practical needs is a true gift and are life-changing. Thank you! 
Make a Difference in the Lives of More Men Like Eric Today!

5-Star Ministry

Because of You               

This vision to create a 5-star ministry is alive at Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission, and every staff member is working daily to better serve every hungry, homeless, and hurting guest. Our ministry approach is to serve each person with the love, dignity, and respect that Jesus showed every person through His ministry. Will you continue your support? 
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