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Enes Kanter Freedom speaks after receiving his Freedom Award.  
Screenshot from LifeSiteNews video.
Dear Friend,
Watch this powerful, heartwarming and personal speech that Enes Kanter Freedom delivered at the Captive Nations Coalition Freedom Award event in Washington, D.C. last Thursday night.  Women’s Rights Without Frontiers co-sponsored this event.  
We are so grateful to Mr. Freedom for using his platform as a star basketball player to take a strong stand for human rights in China.  His call for the U.S. to boycott the Beijing Olympics because of the CCP’s genocide and other human rights atrocities likely cost him his career at the NBA.  But he has no regrets, saying that if he did not speak out, he would not be able to sleep at night.  You can watch his extraordinary speech in its entirety at the link below.
LifeSiteNews also reported on our first Speak Truth to Power awards, presented to tennis player Peng Shuai and journalist Zhang Zhan.  Scroll down in the article to read more.
Reggie was thrilled to be seated between Enes Kanter Freedom and blind activist Chen Guangcheng during the standing room only event
We thank LifeSiteNews for covering this event and helping get the message out.  Although the Genocide Games were not moved or fully boycotted, the “I Will Not Watch” campaign of our Stop the Genocide Games Task Force was a great success.  The ratings for the games “ski-jumped straight into the toilet,” as stated by one news report.
The Freedom  Award was presented by the Captive Nations Coalition of the Committee on the Present Danger:  China.  Women’s  Rights  Without Frontiers presented the Speak  Truth to Power Awards and co-sponsored the event.
We will send you the video of WRWF’s presentation of these awards to Peng Shuai and Zhang  Zhan when this video becomes available.  


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