February 9, 2023 | 18 Shevat 5783
Reimagining Jewish learning and leadership for an interconnected world.
Parashat Yitro | Candlelighting 4:52 PM EST
Campus Partners Join Together for Tu b’Shvat Dedication
An essential part of our vision for bringing different organizations together in our new home, and into our community, is a form of Avraham’s tent of old—we aim to be open on all sides with the goal of making it easy for each person to find their door, their way to join us, in the way that feels most appropriate or possible for them—whether they are looking for learning of many different kinds, an expansive and inclusive community, a place to immerse, to contribute or to create, or a place to explore ways to deepen their Jewish experiences.
May our many doors be wide open for all who wish to enter,
May the wonder and joys of discovery never cease within our walls,
May our community be strengthened by the uniqueness of each voice,
And may the "shekhinah," God's presence, continue to dwell in our midst.
— Dr. Susie Tanchel, Hebrew College Vice President
| Dr. Susie Tanchel and Rabbi Nehemia Polen, who spoke at the event
60 Years Later: Alumni from 1964 (and more) Are Still Learning Together
More than six decades after they graduated from Hebrew College’s undergraduate program, alumni from Hebrew College’s Bachelor of Jewish Education program in 1964 returned to the classrooms of Hebrew College together, only this time on Zoom. “We are people who like to learn—and the notion of being back together and learning is a good feeling,” said Marsha Slotnick`64. After reconnecting with the College at the Centennial and with each other through reunions and impromptu get-togethers, these alumni bonded and learned together through a special course offering with Rabbi Dan Judson entitled, “A Genuinely Candid Conversation: A Brief History of Race and Judaism in America.”
| Hebrew College Class of 1964—at their 35 year reunion.
The (Future) Comic Book Rabbi: The Many Paths to Rabbinical School
Hebrew College shanah aleph (first-year) rabbinical student Sivan Piatigorsky-Roth has an idea of what he wants his life to look like in five years: “I want to be in the rabbinate,” a typical admission from a student in a rabbinical school, “and I want to be creating comics,” a less typical passion from an ordination student. These two lifepaths, though, show no signs of contradiction for Piatigorsky-Roth. "I know of artist rabbis and writer rabbis, so why not a comic book rabbi?”
As a spiritual practice for today, image-making connects us to something bigger and beyond the self—to the community of fellow travelers we were with when we created it, and to God, who permeates both the inherited words of text and the way those words moved through us on that particular day. The process of creating images through art-making is a powerful way of taking the Divine oneness that monotheism gifted us and opening ourselves as channels for the multitudinous ways that this singular Force shines uniquely through each of us and into the world. May it be so.
Catch up on recent Hebrew College news and stories, including articles about faculty, students, and alumni who have been recognized for their work and scholarship. Read more...
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Dedication Concert Featuring Divahn, Led By Galeet Dardashti Dedication Concert for the Musicant Cohen Center for the Performing Arts at Ordis Hall on Hebrew College’s new shared campus Co-sponsored by Hebrew College & JArts
March 2 | 7:15-8:30 p.m. | Hebrew College, Musicant Cohen Performing Arts Center
Learn more & purchase tickets
Kol Arev at International Choral and Arts Festival Join Hebrew College’s chamber choir Kol Arev and other local choirs on February 14 for an evening of healing through song.
February 14 | 7-8:30 p.m. | Boston University Marsh Chapel
Learn more & purchase tickets
A Celebration of Learning with Rabbi Toba Spitzer Discussing God is Here Our Hebrew College community of learners will come together with Rabbi Toba Spitzer for a reading and conversation about her new book, God Is Here: Reimagining the Divine.
February 27 | 7:30-9 p.m. | Hebrew College, Temple Reyim Sanctuary or Zoom
Learn more & RSVP
Nashirah: We Sing!
Hebrew College is co-sponsoring this concert with our campus partner Zamir Chorale of Boston and Nashirah Choir of Philadelphia March 12 | 3 p.m. | Hebrew College Learn more
Otzarot Concert: Musical Treasures of Hebrew College March 23 | 7 p.m. | Hebrew College
More details to come
Hebrew College Spring Gala
Honoring Dan Miller and Andy Offit; Live music with Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer `14 May 4 | 6:30 p.m. | Hebrew College More details to come
Prozdor Virtual Reunion 2023 with Dr. Jonathan Sarna
Prozdor alumni, please join us for the second annual Prozdor Virtual Reunion this May.
May 21 | 1-2 p.m. | Zoom More details to come
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