B N I M ' S M O N T H L Y | N O V E M B E R 2 O 2 1
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Ozarks Education Center at Missouri State University receives a 2021 American Architecture Award
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The Missouri State University (MSU) Ozarks Education Center has been recognized with a 2021 American Architecture Award from The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design. Immersed in the landscape of the Ozark Mountains, the MSU Ozarks Education Center invites MSU students, faculty, researchers, and community organizations to pursue ecological research through a unique experiential lens. The new facility is inspired by the design vernacular of the Ozarks region, local materials, and natural textures of the Drury-Mincy Conservation area. Guided by the concept of designing with a light touch, both physically and sustainably on the natural environment, the MSU Ozarks Education Center supports MSU's academic initiatives and encourages research, celebration, and conversation of the ecology of the Ozarks region.
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Carleigh Pope elected as Executive Board Member for the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) Kansas City
"Growing up and wanting to be an architect, I rarely saw people in the design world that looked like or shared the same background as me. My goal is to break down the obstacles that people of color and other minorities face in the field of architecture. One way of doing so is having representation and showing the upcoming generations that there are no specific rules; you don't have to look or be a certain way to design the world around you."
BNIM designer, Carleigh Pope, Assoc. AIA, was recently nominated to the National Organization of Minority Architects Kansas City (NOMA KC) Executive Board. Carleigh also served as a design mentor for the NOMA KC Project Pipeline Camp. Her passion for growing diversity in the field of architecture, planning, and design directly aligns with the mission and philosophy of NOMA KC which will help her create a welcoming space for minority architects and lead community efforts of the organization in her new role on the board. M O R E
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Laura Lesniewski elevated into the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects
Laura is a dedicated design practitioner, industry leader, and sustainable and equitable design advocate who has contributed her design excellence and leadership to BNIM over nearly three decades. Her passion and approach to design have elevated the human experience, advanced industry knowledge and tools, and instilled resilient thinking in design practice. She has been an active leader for the American Institute of Architects (AIA) locally and nationally, serving on the national AIA Strategic Council and as President and Three-Year Board Director of the AIA Kansas City Chapter. For her dedicated work and service within the profession and the AIA, Laura is recognized as a member of the AIA College of Fellows, the highest membership honor. M O R E
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Sam De Jong elected as Three-Year Director of AIA Kansas City Board of Directors
"What an honor to be nominated to serve in this role on the board for our chapter [. . .] On projects that I’ve had the opportunity to work on, both locally and globally, I have seen the ability of design to positively shape and impact our communities [. . .] As an AIA Kansas City board member, I look forward to supporting the AIA’s renewed stance on combating the climate crisis through a more resilient and equitable built environment."
BNIM Associate Principal, Sam De Jong, AIA, LEED AP, has been elected Three-Year Director of AIA Kansas City’s Board of Directors for 2022. In this role, he will be establishing and implementing the strategic plan for AIA KC and supporting the ongoing work of the committees. Read more about how Sam's passion for architecture and design has been shaped through the lenses of Design Excellence, Design Impact, and Design Access. M O R E
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