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Activate your online NESA Account!

Exciting news, our member portal is officially ready for NESA members!
Please read the instructions below on how to get started!
#1) The email address you received this email at will be your "Username";
#2) You will be redirected to a "Client Account Lookup" page where you will be asked to provide your first, last and username;
#3) Once your account is successfully located, you will be sent an email containing a link to reset your password;
#4) Check your email, click on the link provided within the email, follow the instructions to update the mandatory fields and your account will be created;
#5) Once you have clicked on "Update My Account" and your changes have saved, scroll up to "Memberships" to purchase your 2021 NESA Membership or feel free to just check out the new online portal until you're ready to make a membership purchase.
Be sure to check back in the coming weeks to learn about what programs and activities will be available for you to register online for. 
*Please note: If you were eligible for a refund from our previous closure, it has been applied to your account as a credit and will automatically be applied at checkout.*
Click here to get started!
*Have you already purchased your 2021 membership?*
No need to purchase again! Please just complete the steps necessary to finalize your account and to ensure your profile is updated. Once your account has been updated, feel free to look around and get familiar with this program or check back in the coming weeks for more information about what NESA has planned.

North Edmonton Seniors Association
7524 - 139 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5C 3H7

Office: 780-496-6969
Fax: 780-496-4707
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