Newsletter | May 2018
Dear CPC friends and colleagues:
The inaugural webinar for the CPC Learning Network and LINEA 2018 Joint Webinar Series will be today, May 31, 2018 from 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM EDT: Nigeria turns purple! Innovative approaches to creating and measuring social norms change: experience from Voices for Change in Nigeria. We invite you to register for this exciting webinar via the registration link
We are also pleased to include updates to the Measuring Separation in Emergencies (MSiE)Measuring Impact Through a Child Protection Index (CPI), and COMPASS projects. These projects highlight the research that the CPC Learning Network continues to contribute to, and we would like to acknowledge and thank all of our wonderful partners who make this research possible!
This month, we also want to highlight transitions within the CPC team, welcoming Nicolas Makharashvili as a new Senior Program Officer and saying farewell to our incredible Graduate Research Assistants and Intern!
Finally, at the bottom of the newsletter, you will find hot-off-the-presses information about this year's CPC biennial meeting, which we will co-host with our affiliate PUSKAPA, the Center on Child Protection and Well-Being.  To be hosted in Bali, Indonesia, from December 12th through 14th, the VOICE (Viable and Operable Ideas for Child Equality) conference will feature three themes--children and migration, harmful social norms, and children and technology--and the call for papers and ideas is OPEN!

As always, feel free to send us any updates to share with the network.
Peace and warm wishes,
Mark Canavera and Lindsay Stark, co-Directors
Webinar Today!
Webinar: Nigeria turns purple! Innovative approaches to creating and measuring social norms change: experience from V4C in Nigeria
In collaboration with the Learning Initiative on Norms, Exploitation, and Abuse (LINEA) at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the CPC Learning Network is looking forward to the first webinar in our joint webinar series! Voices for Change (V4C) sought to strengthen the enabling environment for young women’s empowerment in Nigeria. It did this by taking a norms marketing approach to inspire young people’s attitudinal and behaviour change towards: women’s role in household decision-making, women’s leadership, and violence against women and girls. In this webinar, we will take you through the innovations, lessons, and challenges. We will share insights around the robust monitoring system developed to track changes in young people’s attitudes and behaviours, how the change happened, and the audience response to the mass-media communications. This webinar will be May 31, 2018 at 8:00 AM EDT.
Register for the webinar here, and check the CPC website for upcoming webinar announcements. (Hint: the next webinar is in just two weeks!)
Articles and Resources from CPC Learning Network Faculty and Institutional Affiliates
Article: Using a population-based survey approach to estimate child separation after a natural disaster: findings from post-Hurricane Haiti
CPC Director Lindsay Stark, Research Associate Gary Yu, and colleagues recently published an article on using a population-based survey approach to estimate child separation in post-Hurricane Haiti.  This study, undertaken on behalf of The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, in collaboration with Save the Children, explores findings of a population-based approach to measure the prevalence of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) during the Hurricane Matthew aftermath in Haiti. This study is the first known attempt to measure the prevalence of child separation following a natural disaster. Overall, the rates of separation were relatively low. Similarities between primary and secondary reports of child separation via the Neighborhood Method indicate that this may be a viable approach to measuring UASC in certain contexts. This study is part of the Measuring Separation in Emergencies (MSiE) project.

Read the article here, or contact the corresponding author here
Report: Measuring Impact Through A Child Protection Index: Time 1 & Time 2 Studies Kiryandongo and Adjumani refugee settlements, Uganda
This research is the result of a collaboration between UNHCR, the CPC Learning Network, and TPO Uganda, and the report was written by CPC Director Lindsay Stark, CPC Faculty Affiliate Sarah Meyer, and colleague Sabrina Hermosilla. The report describes the research conducted in 2016 in Kiryandongo and Adjumani refugee settlements in Uganda, presenting a comparison of child protection system strength between 2014/5 and 2016, and child protection outcomes over the same time period. The report also presents key lessons, both in terms of methodology and the child protection situation for adolescent refugees in these refugee settlements in Uganda. This report is part of the Measuring Impact Through a Child Protection Index (CPI) study. 

Read the full report here.
Article: HIV Risk Among Displaced Adolescent Girls in Ethiopia: the Role of Gender Attitudes and Self-Esteem
CPC Research Associates Laura Gauer Bermudez and Gary Yu, Graduate Research Assistant Lily Lu, Director Lindsay Stark, and colleagues from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) recently published an article on HIV Risk Among Displaced Adolescent Girls in Ethiopia. Using baseline data from a cluster-randomized controlled trial in three refugee camps in Benishangul-Gumuz Regional State in Ethiopia, this study quantitatively examined the associations between HIV risk factors, attitudes on gender inequality, intimate partner violence (IPV) acceptability, and self-esteem for female adolescent refugees primarily from Sudan and South Sudan. The findings suggest acceptance of inequitable gender norms and low self-esteem to be associated with common HIV risk factors among refugee adolescents living in Ethiopia. Greater attention towards the intersections of gender equality and self-valuation is needed when seeking to understand HIV risk among refugee adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa. This study is part of the IRC's COMPASS program: Creating Opportunities through Mentoring, Parental Involvement and Safe Spaces.

Read the article here, or contact the corresponding author here
Article: The school participation effect: investigating violence and formal education among girls in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Debbie Landis (formerly a CPC Learning Network Research Associate), CPC Research Associate Gary Yu, Director Lindsay Stark, and colleagues from the International Rescue Committee (IRC) recently published an article on violence and formal education among girls in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). A quantitative survey was conducted with girls between the ages of 10–14 across 14 sites in South Kivu, DRC. The prevalence of three forms of violence was estimated across four levels of participation in formal education, and multivariable mixed effects logistic regression models were used to compare girls’ increasing levels of education to those who reported never attending school. Trend tests across the four levels of education were conducted for violence outcomes. Girls’ higher levels of participation in formal education were significantly associated with lower reported rates of physical and sexual violence. Findings suggest a significant protective effect of formal education on girls from physical and sexual violence. Findings also suggest a significant relationship between girls’ age and risk of experiencing physical and sexual violence. This study is part of the IRC's COMPASS program: Creating Opportunities through Mentoring, Parental Involvement and Safe Spaces.

Read the article here, or contact the corresponding author here
Article: Mental health of victims and ex-FARC members: a challenge for the peace process in Colombia
CPC faculty affiliate Arturo Harker Roa and colleagues recently published an article on the mental health of victims and ex-Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) members. The peace accord between the FARC and the Colombian Government has been widely lauded by the international community, and rightly so. Yet, formidable challenges remain to its implementation. One substantial challenge is the high percentage of former guerillas as well as victims of the conflict in need of mental health care.

Read the article here, or contact the corresponding author here
Transitions on the CPC Learning Network Team
Welcome, Nicolas!
We would like to welcome Nicolas Makharashvili as a new Senior Program Officer. Nicolas brings extensive experience in scaling up promising social innovations, program development, capacity building and evaluation for the social sector. Most recently, he served as the Senior Manager at the Social Impact Exchange where he managed various philanthropic projects and working groups and supported national, regional and local systems change efforts through cross-sector collaboration models in education, early childhood, and health. Nicolas is pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration with an emphasis on Policy Analysis and Evaluation at Baruch College, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs and holds BBA in Finance & Investments.
Read Nicolas' full bio here
Farewell, Kim, Joolan, Anna, and Mona!
We would like to bid farewell to Kim Diaz, Joolan Saroor, Anna Hoover, and Mona Mazraani. Joolan, Anna, and Mona worked as Graduate Research Assistants with the CPC Learning Network during their time as Columbia University Mailman Public Health students, and they will be moving on to wonderful things post-graduation! Kim worked as an intern with the CPC over the past semester and will be joining the Peace Corps. Thank you for all that you do and all that you have done for the CPC!
Articles and Reports from Partner Organizations
Report: The Hidden Cost of Jewelry: Human Rights in Supply Chains and the Responsibility of Jewelry Companies
In this report, Human Rights Watch scrutinizes steps taken by key actors within the jewelry industry to ensure that rights are respected in their gold and diamond supply chains. The report focuses on the policies and practices of 13 major jewelry brands, selected to include some of the industry’s largest and best-known jewelry and watch companies and to reflect different geographic markets: Boodles (United Kingdom), Bulgari (Italy), Cartier (France), Chopard (Switzerland), Christ (Germany), Harry Winston (United States), Kalyan (India), Pandora (Denmark), Rolex (Switzerland), Signet (United States-based parent company of Kay Jewelers and Zales in the US, Ernest Jones and H. Samuel in the UK, and other jewelers), Tanishq (India), Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Ltd. (TBZ Ltd.)(India), and Tiffany and Co. (US). Collectively, these 13 companies are estimated to generate over $30 billion in annual revenue.
Read the full report here.
Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief: Forum on Global Violence Prevention
The Health and Medicine's Forum on Global Violence Prevention works to reduce violence worldwide by promoting research on both protective and risk factors and encouraging evidence-based prevention efforts. The Forum aims to facilitate dialogue and exchange by bringing together experts from all areas of violence prevention. Read three publications from the April 2018 Forum on Global Violence Prevention below:
1. Identifying the Role of Violence and Its Prevention in the Post-2015 Global Agenda: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief here.

2. Addressing the Social and Cultural Norms That Underlie the Acceptance of Violence: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief here.

3. The Neurocognitive and Psychosocial Impacts of Violence and Trauma: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief here.
Briefing Notes: SDG global indicators related to children
This is a series of briefing notes for UNICEF regional and country offices on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators. The first note summarizes the development and implementation of the SDG global indicator framework and UNICEF’s role in supporting member states to collect, analyze and report on child-related SDG indicators at national and global levels.  Briefing notes 2-15 provide detailed information on child-related global SDG indicators for which UNICEF has been identified as custodian, co-custodian, or supporting agency for the purposes of global reporting. Additional briefing notes may be developed in the future covering other global indicators related to children and cross-cutting issues related to SDG monitoring.
Read the briefing notes here.
Report: Masculine Norms and Violence: Making the Connections
What are the links between masculine norms and men’s likelihood to perpetrate or experience violence? What implications do these links have for efforts to prevent the many forms of men’s violence? Find out more in this report from Promundo exploring connections between masculine norms and violence, including intimate partner violence, child sexual abuse, bullying, homicide, suicide, and others. 
Read the full report here.
Opportunities to Learn
Webinar: Overview and Access to the American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (AI/AN FACES) 2015
Join Research Connections and researchers from Mathematica Policy Research and the Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, for a webinar on the new American Indian and Alaska Native Family and Child Experiences Survey 2015 (AI/AN FACES 2015) data file, the first national study of Region XI Head Start children and families. To obtain access to the AI/AN FACES 2015 data, researchers must complete the ICPSR standard application, as well as study-specific requirements. The webinar will be held on June 4, 2018 at 1:00 PM EDT.
Learn more about the webinar and register here.
IRC: Family Violence Specialist
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is currently hiring a Family Violence Specialist. The Family Violence Specialist will lead the technical design of the program model, develop resources to support the piloting of the program model in the DRC and Myanmar, carry out programming and data collection training and other piloting activities in-country to ensure ethical and high quality research is implemented, assist in analyzing data and finalize and disseminate resources created through the project. The Specialist will work closely with a multi-sectoral technical team within the Violence Prevention and Response Unit on the design of the program model and development of resources. This person will also work closely with the Research, Evaluation and Learning Technical Advisor on the research component of the project which will seek to understand the feasibility, acceptability, and potential for change of family violence before and after program delivery. This is a full-time position based in USA - New York, NY - HQ.
Learn more about the position and apply here
IRC: Safer Cash Toolkit Design Consultant
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is currently hiring a Safer Cash Toolkit Design Consultant. The IRC, in partnership with the University of California Berkeley, is undertaking a two-year program to develop an evidence-based toolkit that will enable humanitarian actors to determine, in any given context, the safest, most accessible and dignified targeting and delivery strategies at the outset of any cash-based program. The toolkit will be piloted, evaluated and adapted using a continuous quality improvement research model approach. IRC is seeking a consultant to develop and implement a comprehensive and adaptable set of tools that aim to support field teams designing, implementing and monitoring cash interventions informed by protection principles. The consultancy is expected to be carried out over the course of 10 months from signing of the contract, ideally the beginning of June 2018. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis.
Learn more about the position and apply here
Global Social Service Workforce Alliance: Director
The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance is currently hiring a new Director. The Director is responsible for managing and providing strategic direction to the overall work of the Alliance. In collaboration with the Steering Committee, the Director represents the Alliance with key stakeholders and members and provides leadership and strategic support to achieve the Alliance’s mission, strategy, goals and objectives. A combination of leadership, management, and business development skills is required. This is a full-time position based in Washington, DC, USA. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Learn more about the position and apply here
UNICEF: Consultancy Opportunities
UNICEF is currently hiring for two consultancy opportunities focused on child protection. The first posting is for a six-month consultancy with UNICEF in Senegal to support on child protection system strengthening, case management, and access to social services. The second posting is for a ten-month information management consultancy with UNICEF in Niger to support the child protection section, particularly on the implementation of PRIMERO/Child Protection Information System (CPIMS+) led by Terre des Hommes. Both postings are in French and require francophone candidates. The deadline to apply for both consultancy positions is June 5, 2018.
Learn more about the Consultancy in Senegal and apply here
Learn more about the Consultancy in Niger and apply here.
Calls for Papers
Child Indicators Research: Call for Papers
The guest editors of Child Indicators Research, the official Journal of the International Society for Child Indicators, are seeking manuscripts for a 2019 special issue on child neglect. This special issue offers an opportunity to contribute to an interdisciplinary understanding of conceptualizations, determinants, and consequences of child neglect and, in so doing, to reforming child protection systems globally. The guest editors welcome empirical research, literature review, and conceptual submissions with direct implications for measurement/indicators covering any type and dimension of inadequate care and protection of children, regardless of who is responsible, with consequences in all spheres of child development/wellbeing. Scholars from any country and any theoretical framework using scientifically sound qualitative and/or quantitative methods are invited to submit their child neglect work for consideration. The submission deadline is September 15, 2018.
Learn more about the call for papers and submission here.
Forced Migration Review: Call for Articles
Forced Migration Review (FMR) is currently calling for articles for an upcoming issue on education: needs, rights, and access in displacement. This new issue of FMR will provide a forum for practitioners, advocates, policymakers, researchers, and those directly affected to look at more recent developments, share experience, debate perspectives and offer recommendations. This issue will address primary, secondary and tertiary education. The FMR Editors are looking for policy- and practice-oriented submissions, reflecting a diverse range of experience and opinions. Forced Migration Review issue 60 will be published in February 2019 with a major feature on education. The deadline for submission of articles is October 15, 2018.

Learn more about the call for articles and submission here
Save the Date and Call for Papers: VOICE International Conference 2018

VOICE International Conference 2018: "Finding Scientific Answer to the 21st Century Challenges for Families, Communities, and Public Policy"
The CPC Learning Network and PUSKAPA, CPC's key affiliate in Indonesia, are excited to announce their first international conference: Viable and Operable Ideas for Child Equality (VOICE). We welcome you to submit your paper on child protection challenges in the 21st century. Authors are invited to submit paper(s) in English before July 15, 2018

Learn more about the call for papers here. Learn more about the VOICE International Conference 2018 here.
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