March 2019
Newsletter of the Kensington Heights Civic Association
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KHCA is a non-partisan neighborhood organization dedicated to representing the interests of all homeowners and residents of the Kensington Heights neighborhood in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in our community

>> April 28: Forest Buffer Cleanup
KHCA, in cooperation with Wheaton Westfield Mall, is planning to schedule its annual cleanup of trash and debris within the forest buffer along the Mall's ring road on Sunday April 28. We are also working to secure Student Service Learning credits for the event. Plus, KHCA may be able to have a group of electric cars join us at our meeting site at the Kenmont Poll so interested persons can learn how to "go green" in the car world. Please plan to join us, it’s always a great time and a great community activity. Specific details will be coming soon. 
>> March 19: KHCA Executive Committee Meeting -- All Are Welcome
Time:  7:30 pm
Place: 10801 Torrance Drive, home of Ann and Alberto Arevalo
If you have thoughts or feedback about matters relevant to KHCA and cannot attend our meeting, you may contact us by using this link
>> Traffic Committee 
Morning Traffic on Farragut and McComas Avenues
As those who live on the west end of KHCA know, the Town of Kensington has posted "Do Not Enter" signs at St Paul and Peary Streets for morning traffic -- just one of a number of signs used to try to divert traffic around the town. The problem is that the sign can easily be circumvented by turning onto Farragut Avenue from McComas and reentering St Paul Street just below the sign. The result is that the sign causes a large amount of morning rush hour traffic for residents who live on Farragut Avenue -- a narrow hilly street that is in no way designed to accommodate all the extra traffic. The KHCA Traffic Committee has talked with the community and the County to determine if there is an alternative placement for the signs. However, all of the suggestions seem to create other unintended consequences. The Committee will be meeting soon with our Town of Kensington counterparts to ask them to help us develop a solution. Hopefully, they will recognize that their signs have not really solved anything. If you would like more information on these efforts, please contact Andy Fraser, Traffic Committee Chair.
Submitted by Andy Fraser, Chair

>> March 10: District 18 Constituent Reception  
Senator Waldstreicher and Delegates Carr, Shetty and Solomon are holding a Constituent Reception at the Hollywood East Cafe (in Wheaton Westfield Mall) to socialize, talk about current issues as well as what's happening in Annapolis. It will take place Sunday, March 10, 5:00-8:00pm. Buffet dinner provided. RSVP here or by calling 301-858-3137.
>> Accessory Dwelling Units: Zoning Text Amendment 19-01
The Montgomery Council hearing on the proposed Zoning Text Amendment to expand the availability of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) was held February 26, 2019. The February KHCA newsletter outlined the proposal and invited feedback from Kensington Heights residents. The KHCA Executive Committee approved submission of written comments (to be posted soon on the KHCA website) after giving time for input from the KHCA community. The KHCA comments argued against the bill at this time because there were changes to the ADU provisions made just last fall that have not yet had time to be effective or analyzed. KHCA in effect took a neutral view toward the proposed changes while suggesting that the County be more vigilant about whether such units are already being built but without the needed permits, and that the County also enhance its publicity about the ADU options. The next step is a hearing on the amendment before the Council’s Planning, Housing, and Economic Development committee; it is currently scheduled for 2 pm on March 18 at the Council building.
>> Review of Montogomery County Veirs Mill Master Plan
The Veirs Mill Master Plan, as drafted by the Planning Board, was recently forwarded to the County Council and Executive for their consideration. The original plan proposes specific treatment for vairous areas along the entire Veirs Mill corridor from Wheaton to Rockville to form a more friendly roadway for all forms of traffic, including public transit, bikes, and pedestrians in addition to the current auto-oriented structure. Many of the proposals are intended to implement the Vision Zero approach. 

A February 28 memo for a work session to address Council staff input to the plan is now available. Based on these comments, there may be significant modificaitons to the draft plan. Issues are identified regarding cost, about the lack of likely assistance from the state, and about the need for changes in road design. It was also noted that perhaps a greater concern may be Georgia Avenue because its homes are not as buffered from the roadway as many of those on the Veirs Mill corridor. Committee work on the plan will continue with the likelihood of changes and refinements during the next several weeks.
>> Montgomery County Civic Federation
Information about the activities and meetings of MCCF can be found in the MCCF Newsletter at this link. The mission of MCCF is to preserve and improve the quality of life for current and future residents of Montgomery County. Civic associations, including KHCA, are constituents of MCCF. All county residents are welcome to attend MCCF meetings so they can interact with other communities around the County and meet State and County officials.

The MCCF's February meeting focused on the County’s Vision Zero plan and other traffic safety issues. The program was well attended with participants from all over the County, each of whom had their own concerns about excessive speeds, inadequate crosswalks, poor road design, and likely leading to accidents and near misses.The program included a discussion by Corinne Hart, head of the Woodside Park Civic Association about how her group worked to get the County to make changes to Dale Drive. That road, which is narrow, windy, and not overly well lit is, nevertheless, a major cross-county roadway. For those interested in this type of community process, Corinne Hart's Powerpoint presentation will be posted on the KHCA website soon along with two presentations from the County on Vision Zero.

President:                            Karen Cordry (Torrance Drive) karenc425@aol.com
Vice President:                    Erl Houston (St. Paul Street) erlhouston@verizon.net
Secretary:                            Ann Arevalo (Torrance Drive) annarevalo@hotmail.com
Treasurer:                            Jim Ryan (Brunswick Ave) Jim.ryan@longandfoster.com

Immediate Past President:     Danila Sheveiko (Melvin Grove Court) dsheveiko@hotmail.com
Beautification Chair                Jon Foreman (University Blvd)  jonforeman@gmail.com
Communications Chair           Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue) shruti_bhatnagar@yahoo.com
Education Chair:                     Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue) shruti_bhatnagar@yahoo.com
History Chair:                         vacant
Land Use Chair                      Derek Karchner (Torrance Drive) dkarchner@gmail.com
Safety Chair:                          vacant
Traffic Chair:                           Andrew Fraser (McComas Avenue) afraser@sandglass.com
Newsletter:                             Christine Taylor (Torrance Drive) ctaylor3450@gmail.com
Website:                                 Ricardo Gonzalez ricardo@bobbleheaddw.com

Thank you to our Newsletter Sponsors

Greetings Neighbors .... from Jim Ryan, Realtor

For those of you that I have yet to meet, I’m sure that day will come.  I moved my family to Kensington from Alexandria  27 years ago. There is no other place that I would rather live than this community!  I have a real estate license with Long and Foster Downtown Silver Spring.  If you have friends interested in moving to this area, I am glad to help. 
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