A Message From Dean Whitelaw
Dear student,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. I’m writing to share important information on the new instructional mode notations you have likely seen in Albert and offer guidance on what you should consider as you select your classes in New York for the fall. Please note that the information that follows is for Stern undergraduate courses being conducted in New York City. Procedures for registering for courses offered at the other NYU portal campuses and global sites may be different.
Instructional Modes: Online, Blended, In-Person
Each course in Albert has been given an instructional mode--(1) online, (2) blended, or (3) in-person--which should be finalized by the week of July 13. For Stern courses, you should interpret the modes as follows:
  1. Online: All scheduled course meetings will be held remotely, via Zoom. Please note that for some Stern courses an additional, in-person Business Tutorial may be added to provide optional weekly instruction support to those who want it; sessions will be a combination of small-group office hours and in-person discussions of supplementary material related to the class. If this is being offered for a course in which you are enrolled, you will be notified by your instructor in August. 
  2. Blended: Scheduled course meetings will be held in a 50/50 rotational combination of remote and in-person instruction. For example, for a course that meets twice a week, students will attend in-person once a week and participate in remote learning once a week. The remote components of these courses will include synchronous Zoom attendance, asynchronous activities (e.g., watching videos, reflecting on course material), or some combination thereof.
  3. In-person: Due to social distancing requirements, very few Stern courses will be offered 100% in-person in the Fall semester. However, some other NYU courses may be delivered in this mode.

Regardless of the instructional mode, all Stern final exams will be offered online.

New Blended-Mode Courses To Be Added the Week of July 13

If you will be in New York City this fall and wish to attend some of your Stern classes in-person, I encourage you to check Albert for your options and register beginning at 10 AM EDT on Tuesday, July 14.
A note on registering for blended-mode courses: registering for a blended-mode section of a Stern course is a commitment to attend in-person on a rotational basis. Therefore, if you intend to take the course remotely, please do NOT register for a blended-mode course section as in-person seats are limited. Taking one of these seats, if you do not intend to come in-person, deprives another student of this valuable opportunity. Please consider this before registering for a blended-mode section. Of course, it is possible that you may register for a blended-mode section fully intending to attend in-person, but circumstances may change and you may change your mind later in the summer. If so, please drop the blended section and register for an online section instead.
Faculty will reasonably expect, and may require, students registered for blended-mode sections to attend in-person on scheduled in-person days. If you do not wish to attend any classes in person, you should register for sections labeled online. 
We fully recognize that this process is different and more complex than in a normal year. Stern UC advising stands ready to assist you or answer your questions and will be in touch with additional information next week. If you are participating in NYU Go Local, please continue to refer to the website for the most up-to-date information. For Fall 2020 study away questions, please contact global.academics@nyu.edu.
As always, the health and safety of the Stern community--students, staff, and faculty--continue to be our top priority. Thank you for your patience as we work to finalize the fall course schedule in New York to best utilize our classrooms and optimize your academic experience while adhering to NY State and university public health guidelines. 
Please stay tuned for additional information in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we wish you the very best.
Robert Whitelaw
Dean, Undergraduate College


Robert Whitelaw
Vice Dean, The Undergraduate College
NYU Stern School of Business
40 West Fourth Street, Tisch Hall Room 9-96
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 212-998-0338
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