Rucksack August 2014The Colorado Mountain Club has appointed Scott Robson as its new Executive Director, concluding a comprehensive three-month search. Robson brings two decades of experience to the role, including director of parks and recreation positions with the City of Denver and the City of Louisville. Most recently, he served as the executive director of the Evergreen Park & Recreation District. During his three and a half years at EPRD, Robson was able to expand the District’s offerings, implement major facilities improvements and surpass grant funding goals. Robson earned his Bachelor’s degree in environmental design from the University of Colorado and his Master’s degree in community & regional planning from the University of Oregon. “I look forward to building upon CMC's legacy of providing education, recreation and volunteer opportunities for the public, and I feel strongly that CMC's mission is more important today than ever before,” Robson said. “I'm also excited to work on helping grow CMC's membership base, implementing the Club's new strategic plan and ensuring that the organization remains the leader in Colorado when it comes to a broad range of issues related to Colorado's amazing mountain environment." Robson has been climbing in the mountains of Colorado since childhood. He has passed along his passion for the outdoors to his two young sons, Will and Jack, who can now be found backcountry skiing, hiking and climbing with him throughout the year. Matt Stevens has served as Interim CEO since the departure of former CEO Katie Blackett in April.
“It was a privilege to serve as Interim CEO for the past few months,” Stevens said. “The CMC is primed for a bright future. As a dedicated member, I’m eager to see where Scott takes us in the years to come.”
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| CMC member Hannah W. scrambles over the Knife Edge section on the classic Kelso Ridge route of Torreys Peak, 8.3.14. | |
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Photography Presentation with CMC Press Author
Rod Martinez7pm Thursday, Aug. 28
Join us at 7pm Thursday, Aug. 28 for a free Photography Presentation with CMC Press author Rod Martinez at the American Mountaineering Center in Golden. Martinez will take you on a photo tour of the most scenic locations on the Western Slope, discuss how a CMC pack guide is created and cover photography tips on how to get a great landscape photo.
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| Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park,
The First 100 Years5:30-7pm Sunday, Sept. 14
Mary Taylor Young, author of Rocky Mountain National Park, The First 100 Years, speaks about writing the book, the Park's history and her childhood spending summers in a cabin bordering the Park.
Mary, an award-winning author of 15 books on the landscape, wildlife and cultural heritage of Colorado and the West, has taught seminars for the Rocky Mountain Nature Association every summer since 1988. Her other books include Land of Grass & Sky: A Naturalist's Prairie Journey and The Guide to Colorado Mammals.
Mary will sign any of her books purchased previously or at the event. Light refreshments will be served.
Sign up now for Year of the Mountaineer Hikes in RMNP
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| 12th Annual
Wild & Scenic
Film Festival7pm Friday, Sept. 19The 12th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival returns to the American Mountaineering Center with another incredible selection of films to change your world.
Considered one of the nation’s premiere environmental and adventure film festivals, this year’s films combine stellar film-making, beautiful cinematography and first-rate storytelling to inform, inspire and ignite solutions to create a positive future for the next generation.
Festival-goers will see award-winning films about nature, community activism, adventure, conservation, water, energy, climate change, wildlife, environmental justice, agriculture and Native American and indigenous cultures.
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| Conservation Department UpdateThe White River National Forest Needs YOUR Help
On Tenderfoot Mountain near Dillon, user-created trails crisscross the landscape and are contributing to severe erosion and watershed degradation. CMC and the Forest Service need your help to close and restore these routes in accordance with new travel management implementation.
Meet new people, learn new skills, hike into this beautiful alpine ecosystem and help restore forest health in this popular recreation area! Volunteers will hike into remote sections of the Dillon Ranger District to close illegal trails, install erosion-control structures and rehabilitate these routes to their natural state.
Join us August 23-24 for a weekend trip with food, group camping gear and project leadership provided. No experience is necessary, but volunteers should be prepared for a challenging hike to the project site each day. This project is sponsored by the National Forest Foundation and Summit Foundation. Plus, don’t miss additional projects at Badger Flats (Pike National Forest, Lake George), the Maroon Bells (White River National Forest, Aspen) and Brainard Lake (Arapahoe-Roosevelt National Forest, Ward).
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Medical Minutes: Brought to you by Adventure Medical KitsPreparing for Foreign Travel
Nearly half of all travelers to developing countries become ill during their visit. Diseases such as polio, malaria and typhoid fever are a threat in areas where poor sanitation and contaminated food and water exist.
International travelers should contact their local health department, physician or travel medicine clinic at least 6 weeks prior to departure to obtain current health information. Beside vaccinations, travelers should undergo medical and dental exams prior to departure and obtain needed prescription medications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Travelers’ Health website provides help in locating clinics for pre-travel consultation. The site also provides links to state health departments and the Yellow Fever Vaccination Center Registry, which lists facilities approved to provide yellow fever vaccinations. CDC Health Information for International Travel (The Yellow Book) is the most trusted resource for travel health and is available in a searchable online version. The World Health Organization (WHO) also maintains recommendations regarding vaccine requirements for international travelers. (Source: Wilderness and Travel Medicine, A Comprehensive Guide, 4th Edition, Erik A. Weiss, MD.)
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February 20 - March 8, 2015
Visit Sydney and Kosciuszko National Park, climb Mt. Kosciuszko (one of the Seven Summits) and visit Tasmania for four days of guided walks to alpine and coastal regions on the beautiful island.
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Upcoming Trips, Events, Courses
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Partner of the MonthAvoutAvout has proudly supported CMC since 2012 through 1% for the Planet, a worldwide movement comprising companies that pledge 1% of their annual sales to non-profit organizations focused on positive environmental change and sustainability.
Avout has grown rapidly over the past three years, and so has its support to CMC. In 2013, funding from Avout helped launch the Alpine Start program, which focuses on bringing 18- to 25-year-olds together for fun and challenging activities that develop their outdoor and leadership skills.
A big and heartfelt “thank you!” to the Avout team for making Alpine Start possible and for being such a strong partner in CMC’s mission. To learn more about Avout, visit www.avout.com. Click here to learn more about our corporate sponsors, or to find out how your company can support the CMC!
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Radical Reels 20147pm Oct. 9, 10, 11Get stoked for this year’s presentation of the most outrageous films from the 38th annual Banff Mountain Film Festival. Radical Reels is dropping big at The American Mountaineering Center at 7pm on October 9, 10 and 11, 2014. Bike tough trails, paddle wild waters, ski steep slopes. The Radical Reels Tour runs every spring & fall and spans North America, bringing a variety of mountain sport films to a wide range of viewers – from hardcore outdoor adventurers to weekend warriors. Grab your tickets and hang on to your seat for the most jaw-dropping mountain sport films on skiing, boarding, climbing, biking, kayaking and more – all brought to life on the big screen.
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| Fall Gear Sale6-8pm Thursday, Oct. 2The Fall Equipment Sale is coming up Thursday, Oct. 2 at the American Mountaineering Center. No registration required, just show up and buy! Sellers can drop off items Oct. 1 or Oct. 2 with an attached envelope containing their name, item, selling price and willingness to accept a check.
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| 22nd Annual Backcountry BashSaturday, Nov. 15Save the date! The Backcountry Bash is the CMC's signature winter fundraiser event and a celebration of human-powered backcountry winter recreation. For more information, visit cmc.org/bash.
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| Wilderness Trekking SchoolBegins Tuesday, Sept. 9
Sign up for the fall session of the Denver Group's most popular school and learn everything you need to know to start enjoying Colorado's backcountry!
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Donor Thank You
A HUGE “thank you!” to all who donated to our Spring Appeal! With your generous spirit, we raised just over $10,600 to support the Club and our Youth Education and Conservation programs!
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| CMC Receives $3,000 Grant from The Summit FoundationThe Colorado Mountain Club is pleased to announce it has received a $3,000 grant from Breckenridge-based The Summit Foundation to support trail rehabilitation efforts at Tenderfoot Mountain near Dillon this summer. CMC is partnering with the Dillon Ranger District to close user-created trails that are damaging native habitat and impacting water quality. A BIG thank you to The Summit Foundation for its support of our Volunteer Stewardship Program!
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| Evergreen Walk
for WildernessSaturday, Sept. 6
The CMC will have a booth at the Evergreen Walk for Wilderness on Saturday, Sept. 6 in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act.
Walkers, strollers, children & participants of all ages and abilities are welcome. The route follows the 5-mile Pioneer Trail from Bergen Park to the Evergreen Lake House.
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| Thank you to all of our corporate sponsors!
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| WhiteWave Foods Avout
Xcel Energy 10th Mountain Division
Hut Association Kaiser Permanente Williams Companies
Osprey Packs, Inc. Smartwool Dr. Scholl's Clif Bar REI Voile Dynafit
Kicking Horse Coffee Odell Brewing Company
Chipotle Mexican Grille
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