A View from the Board
The following is the latest in a series of monthly messages from the RVR Master Association Board, called “A View From the Board.” The messages summarize recent Board decisions and discussions, and are designed to bring RVR homeowners up to date on issues important to the community
Dear RVR Homeowners,
Over the past week, since announcing the proposed 2022 Master Association budget, we have received a number of comments – both supporting and opposing the budget. Last night at a Q&A forum before the Board meeting, and at the regularly scheduled Board meeting, we heard additional feedback.
In response, the Board last night decided to postpone its vote on the proposed budget.
As part of this decision, we committed to further engagement with the community, followed by adjustments, where possible, in the budget.
Because we are required by law to adopt a 2022 budget and propose that budget for ratification by the members before the end of 2021, the plan to reconsider the budget is necessarily condensed.
Here are key events as the Board, working in concert with the community, sharpens its pencils and takes another look at the 2022 budget:

  • Tuesday, November 23, 6 pm
    Community Budget Working Session.
    This event will be held at the Ranch House. It’s an opportunity for you to share your thoughts and have your questions answered. Based on feedback at this event, as well as what we’ve already received over the past week, the Board will reexamine the budget and present it for community ratification.

    To help us plan for attendance, and send materials in advance to those who attend please click here to register for this working session.

  • Sunday, November 28
    Notice of Special Board Meeting.
    Along with the meeting notice, you will receive the proposed 2022 Budget, and the proposed “Dues by Neighborhood” document.

  • Wednesday, December 1, 5:30 p.m.
    Special Board Meeting.
    The sole item on the agenda for this meeting will be the Board’s vote to approve the proposed 2022 Budget.

  • Friday, December 3
    Budget Balloting Begins.
    These ballots will be sent by e-mail to all RVR property owners. As required in our governing documents, you will have 10 days to return your ballots.

  • Monday, December 13
    Deadline for Returning Budget Ballots.
    When all the ballots are received, they will be counted and we’ll know the results of the budget ratification vote.

  • Wednesday, December 15, 5:30 p.m.
    Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting.
    At this meeting, we will announce the results of the community’s budget ratification vote.

  • Monday, December 20
    Notification to Property Owners of 2022 Dues.
    Based on the results of the budget ratification vote, you will receive a communication, announcing the amount each property owner will owe in monthly dues for 2022. This amount will vary, depending upon whether you own an empty lot, a custom home, or live in a neighborhood or sub-association.

  • Saturday, January 1, 2022
    New Budget Goes Into Effect.
    Your new monthly dues amount for 2022 begins today. 

We heard you.
Reconsidering the budget is the right thing to do, and that’s why the Board is doing it. We thank you for your input, and for your engagement in the budget development and approval process.
On behalf of your volunteer RVRMA Board,
Gary Lesser
Board President

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