Dear Denisonian‚
Happy new year!
I was honored to join the Alumni Council in 2021 and attend my first council meeting last October. It was wonderful to be back at Denison, walking around campus and rediscovering Granville. The university and surrounding village are as beautiful as ever. Just an hour after I arrived in town, I unexpectedly ran into a friend at the bar at the Granville Inn. There’s that Denison magic!
As part of our meetings, the Alumni Council heard updates from Student Life, the Knowlton Center, select alumni affinity and identity groups (e.g., Black Alumni Association, Latin American and Hispanic Alumni Association, LGBTQ+ Alumni Network, and Varsity D Association), President Weinberg, the Trustees, and the Annual Fund. I learned so much about the staff and volunteer teams who make that Denison magic possible. I intend to use my time on the Council to highlight the work of these teams and share with you the many ways you can engage with Denison as alumni.
There will be numerous opportunities to meet fellow alumni and support the university in the coming months. This year the Alumni Association is launching DU Good: a Denison Day of Service on April 26. Denison Everywhere has been rescheduled for May 4. And there are Reunions June 1-4 for a lot of us. A record 36 classes will celebrate a Reunion this year! I’ll be there — will you?
I hope to see many familiar faces on campus in the spring!
Linda Parker Gates ’86
Alumni Council Member-at-Large