Feedback Corner
In the last newsletter, there was a brief overview of the Class Agent Program as designed by VLS for all classes and, in contrast, as practiced by me for VLS Class '81. I have talked to a number of you about the effect of my approach, if any, on the level of donations from our classmates. So far, the numbers are telling and interesting: Class '81 donations for the first nine months of this fiscal year (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019) compare very favorably to the full twelve months of the prior fiscal (July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018):
total donations last fiscal year: 48 (30% participation)total donations this fiscal year*: 37 (24% participation)
total dollars last fiscal year: $34,030
total dollars this fiscal year*: $41,855
Average donation last fiscal year: $709
Average donation this fiscal year*: $1,131 (includes 3 at $5K+)
*this fiscal year (9 months-through April 4, 2019)
Digging deeper into the numbers, last year a lot of donations were made in the final three months of the fiscal year (April 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018). If that pattern repeats itself over the next couple of months, the results for the current fiscal year will be off the charts!!!
Special shoutout to our classmates who have donated more than once so far this year: Kent Halkett, Joann Mitchell, Steve Owens and David Roseman!!! Thank you.