We have many opportunities to walk through Holy Week and Easter Celebratons. Mark these dates and invite a friend to join us. Don't forget to make your Maundy Thursday reservations!!
Saturday, April 9: 8 to 1; Church work day to get our building and grounds all ready for Easter
Palm/Passion Sunday, April 10: PHUMC Kids will participate in worship.
April 10 @ 4: Easter Egg Hunt for all kids through 4th grade. (Help us prepare. Bring in plastic pre-filled eggs by noon April 10)
Maundy Thursday, April 14: Dinner Church @ 5:45, RSVP required. Make a reservation here.
Good Friday, April 15:
- Prayer and Picnic at noon. Light lunch provided. Bring a chair.
- Youth Amazing Easter Race, immediately following Prayer and Picnic. Scavenger Hunt across the Metro Area.
- The Bridge Easter Egg Hunt at Renaissance, 5-7 pm. Bring money for dinner. Let Pastor Dawn know if you can make it and if you are bringing any friendsl Parents, we need you to stay and help if available. For 5th and 6th graders.
Easter Sunday Worship, April 17 @ 10:45: Come and celebrate the Risen Christ as a church family!
Continue the Easter Celebration!
Sunday, April 24: Worship on the Lawn with guest worship leader Abbye West Pates. Bring a chair. Potluck lunch to follow. Kids will plant zinnia seeds.
Sunday, May 1: Blessing of the Pets @ 4:30