IMPACT 12 days of gifts
Happy Holidays from your friends at IMPACT!
In celebration of the holiday season we will be sending 12 days of tips and tools.
We hope you find something helpful.

Day 7 - Create Captions and Transcripts for Multimedia

A frame from an instructional video shows a professor standing in front of a chalkboard with a TV to his left. In the bottom of the frame, there is a text box where an editor has added closed captions.
Creating a video for your class? It needs captions! Producing a podcast or other long-form audio? It needs a transcript!
There are various ways to create these important files to ensure your media is accessible.
If you’re using something like Panopto to host your videos, captions will be created and made available to viewers automatically. But you always need to review these auto captions to ensure accuracy. Read more about editing captions in Panopto here.
YouTube will also create and display automated captions you can download and edit to create a transcript. Read about how to caption your video in our handy guide.
If your project has a budget you can use a service like that will caption your video or provide a transcript at $1.25/minute of content with 99% accuracy.
Have more questions? Reach out to IMPACT to chat about making your multimedia project accessible.
IMPACT GW Health Sciences
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