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BNIM Projects in 2023
With a new year of design underway at BNIM, we are sharing highlights from some of the exciting work happening across our studios in 2023, as we collaborate with our clients to create environments that elevate their work, communities, missions, and long-term goals. 
Therkildsen Industrial Engineering Building
Therkildsen Industrial Engineering Building at Iowa State University is a new, engaging engineering facility enabling innovative teaching, impactful research, and opportunities for collaboration to support the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering. The building is a Design-Build project with BNIM + Story Construction in Ames, Iowa.
The Glenn Korff School of Music Building at UNL
The Glenn Korff School of Music Building will be a premiere creative center for music and dance excellence located on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus.  It will redefine what it means to be a collaborative, inclusive, and healthy environment for performing arts education in the 21st century.
Lifeserve Blood Center Headquarters
Lifeserve Blood Center Headquarters in Johnston, Iowa, is a collaborative, flexible, and human-purposed headquarters building that will support LifeServe Blood Center's work in serving more than 150 hospitals across the Midwest region.
Zhou B Art Center
Zhou B Art Center provides expansive art galleries, a restored auditorium, and 40+ artist studios that will create a new hub for visual and performing arts in the historic 18th and Vine Jazz District of Kansas City, Missouri.
A to Z Naturals Nutrition Center
A to Z Naturals Nutrition Center is a healthy food market and experiential kitchen immersed in the Piedmont Forest outside of Atlanta, Georgia, reflecting a sustainable and restorative ethos and guiding visitors towards healthy and nourishing lifestyles.
The South Loop Link
The South Loop Link reimagines a portion of the I-670 corridor of Downtown Kansas City, Missouri, to enhance multimodal transportation; regional job access; green and healthy living spaces; private development; and climate responsiveness. BNIM is part of a multidisciplinary team with HNTB and OJB. A public meeting for the South Loop Link will be held at the Kirk Family YMCA on Tuesday, March 7. 
M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
Washington University in St. Louis receives 2023 AIA Regional and Urban Design Award
A W A R D S   A N D   H O N O R S
The East End Transformation at Washington University in St. Louis is honored with the 2023 AIA Regional & Urban Design Award, one of the most significant urban design awards presented by the American Institute of Architects.  
"BNIM is honored to have been given the responsibility to reimagine the East gateway to Washington University in St. Louis Danforth Campus by campus leadership, including former Executive Vice Chancellor Hank Webber and University Architect Jamie Kolker. We worked in collaboration with a group of esteemed colleagues from across the US and Europe.

The transformation is a pedagogical gateway to the entire Danforth Campus as well as a real and metaphorical gateway to the world for every student and faculty member who leaves this incredible university on their journey for making the world a better place."
S T E V E   M C D O W E L L ,  F A I A  |  B N I M   P R I N C I P A L   +   C E O
I N   T H E   N E W S
The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art is a dynamic new teaching museum that restored an art museum presence to the University of Iowa campus for the first time in 14 years. The Stanley Museum of Art, which celebrated its official opening in the fall of 2022, has recently been featured in a number of publications.
mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnim, mindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls. 

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Contact Us: info@bnim.com | 816.783.1500

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