Dear Valued Customer, 
This is a friendly reminder about ATR's 15th Anniversary Special!  We sent you an e-mail about two weeks ago, and we just wanted to follow up about getting your computer serviced.  
Our records show that one of our technicians last worked on your machine at least a year ago and that service is now recommended to keep you ahead of any hacks, scams or infections.
Servicing your computer at least once a year will keep it running in top shape and may help extend your machine’s life. 
We are currently running a special for our 15th Anniversary here at ATR.  We can complete the World’s Best Computer Tune-up® on your machine for just $99.  That’s a $20 savings!
You can purchase the WBCT® online here at our store or call us at 877-349-4830 and we can schedule an appointment for you.  Why Wait?  This special will only be available for a short time!
Follow and like us on Facebook to get up to date information on security, hacks, infections, scams and news regarding your computer and how to protect yourself.  Also, leave us a review if you don't mind...
Just click on the Facebook Icon, or here...

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