H E R I T A G E   C H R I S T I A N   U N I V E R S I T Y

J A N U A R Y    2 0 2 1

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:21

Hello Friend

Welcome! If you're wondering who's in that picture below, it's me. My friend and fellow employee, Autumn Richardson, and I will be coordinating the women's program at HCU. We are excited to bring you many opportunities to grow spiritually with sisters in Christ. Stay tuned for updates. Whether we have met or not, I want you to know that you matter to me, and, more importantly, you matter to God. You are loved. It is our prayer that this newsletter challenges, nourishes, and uplifts you in Him.

God bless you.
Melissa McFerrin

Executive Administrative Assistant to the President

- S I S T E R   S C O O P S -


In this month's article, Melissa McFerrin guides us through several passages on the topic of self-control.
Proverbs likens the one without self-control to “a city that is broken into and without walls”(Proverbs 25:28). As long as you command yourself, your defenses are strong. When you turn over command to some spiritual enemy, however, you open yourself to further attack. It is a progression; a small crack in the wall can be repaired easily, but demolished walls take much time and effort to rebuild. Likewise, self-control can be mastered, and sometimes lost, in degrees....


January Scripture Writing Plan

What is scripture writing? Simply take each day's scripture and write it down. You can write it on a sticky note, journal, or planner.

The scripture writing plan is on the topic of "Glorify" and is provided by our friends at Ruffled Mango. Join us in meditating on the ultimate servant Jesus.


Spring Events for Women

BOUNDLESS with Autumn Richardson
Tuesday nights in January (6-8 pm)

To develop a relationship with someone, we must engage in conversation. Yet, oftentimes, we find ourselves talking to God in prayer, but only reading books about God instead of letting Him speak to us directly through His Word. Reading the Bible, click here to read more...

THE WONDER OF ANGELS with Debbie Dupuy
Thursday nights in February and March, beginning February 11 (6-8 pm)

Have you ever wondered about the unseen realm? Are you curious about angels? Do you wonder about who they are and what they do?
Angels are mentioned in the Scriptures over 300 times. We find angels mentioned from Genesis to Revelation, in the work of God. Since they play an important role in God's overall plan for humanity, it is necessary for us to understand the extent of their involvement and how they relate to us. Furthermore, the study of angels reminds us that the unseen world is real and that we are not the only beings in the universe. In this class, we will answer these questions and look to the only source of authority on this subject: The inspired Word of God!

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