B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |    J U L Y   2 0 2 3
N E O C O N   2 0 2 3  —   I N S I G H T S   &   I N S P I R A T I O N S
BNIM Interiors on Future-Focused Design
Our BNIM Interiors Studio attended NeoCon 2023, one of the largest commercial interior design expos and conferences in North America. After exploring the latest products, materials, and innovations in design, the Interiors team shares key insights and inspirations, focusing on what they foresee for the future of design:
  • Material and craft transparency to showcase makers
  • Blurring the lines between residential and commercial in response to hybrid work
  • Exploratory color and expressions of style, from vibrant and bold palettes to timeless black and white 
  • Increasing awareness of environmental impact and new innovations in materials and supply chain
  • Focus on biomimicry as a source of inspiration for plant-based alternative materials
BNIM Interiors Team: (from left to right, top to bottom) Janell Rock, Amy Dishman, David Amstutz, Katie NeighbourSarah Johnson, and Tina Wehrman

L E A R N   M O R E
M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
E V E N T S  +  C O N F E R E N C E S
Steve McDowell, FAIA, LEED AP, Principal and CEO, is presenting on Designs For A Better World at the BioKansas Innovation Festival on August 3, in the Crown Center area of Kansas City, Missouri. The festival’s conference will focus on showcasing the region’s innovation ecosystem, including new technologies, advancements, and discoveries.
Steve will present on BNIM’s approach to placemaking and creating high performance and human purposed environments through predicting and measuring project performance and behavior. The presentation session will introduce the metrics and process behind BNIM’s sustainability report Subject To Change and feature key projects focused on elevating the practice of sustainable design.  M O R E
B N I M   P E O P L E   +   C U L T U R E 
Amy Dishman, IIDA, NCIDQ, LEED AP, LFA, Interior Designer, recently earned her Living Future Accreditation (LFA), a professional credential that recognizes proficiency in the most ambitious, advanced, and holistic regenerative design standards. As BNIM’s latest LFA professional, Amy will continue to advance BNIM’s commitment to sustainable and regenerative design and provide guidance in the firm’s future pursuit of Living Building Challenge Certified projects. Amy was motivated to pursue LFA to form a more holistic background and experience in sustainable and regenerative design. She encourages designers who are interested in sustainability and resiliency to look into LFA to develop the knowledge and tools needed to translate good intentions into action, ultimately creating better buildings and helping move the design industry forward.  M O R E

mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnimmindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls. 
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