Are you curious what you might learn in a midcourse evaluation consultation with a CTE Faculty Teaching Associate? The consultant's objective is to help you meet your teaching goals.
In a pre-consultation you might:
discuss what is the best way to gather feedback from your students.
talk through construction of questions.
run your ideas by someone else.
In a post-consultation you can:
hear what someone else sees in the responses you received.
decide on a course of action.
check your understanding by getting a second opinion.
Learn more about the midcourse evaluation tools available to you with these videos:
Techniques to Motivate and Engage the Entire Class
Because students take courses for various reasons, it can be a challenge to ensure every student is motivated to succeed. This Faculty Focus article discusses some of the most effective methods of class planning, activities, and assessments to maximize students’ motivation and achievement.
Want Your Students to Get the Most From Reading Assignments?
Transforming students’ view of reading from an “assignment” to an engaging task in which they have agency can help overcome their resistance. This Faculty Focus podcast explores how to teach students active reading skills that will make them more effective and willing readers.
Opportunities From Our Partners
Join Us at the 8th Annual Accessibility Symposium!
Registration is now open for the 8th Annual Accessibility Symposium on October 27. This in-person event will provide opportunities to learn more about accessible technology while networking with colleagues from across campus. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. All are welcome!
Resources for Teaching in the Current Political Climate
The Center for Teaching Excellence, the Office of the Provost, and the Office of Transformational and Inclusive Excellence have collaborated to provide instructor resources that help ensure teaching environments remain productive learning spaces for all.
Center for Teaching Excellence
317 Laws Hall
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