B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   A U G U S T  2 0 2 1
The Future Downtown Las Vegas Civic Center & Plaza

Imagine a downtown civic center and plaza that is welcoming and inclusive, active and engaging, connective to the City and the natural landscape of the Las Vegas Valley, and focused on enhancing the health and well-being of people and our environment by employing positive sustainable strategies and achieving net zero energy. 
We are honored and excited to announce that our BNIM / LGA / OJB team will be working with the City of Las Vegas to lead the design of the future Downtown Las Vegas Civic Center and Plaza. We look forward to bringing this design vision to life for the Las Vegas community and helping the City realize its 2050 Master Plan. Our design will bring together people and nature in environments that will be engaging, healthy, and inspiring for everyone, whether it be for a civic celebration, family picnic, or city staff serving the citizens of Las Vegas.
"The City has an opportunity to lead the future, and we are planning to be their partner in achieving its plan for net zero carbon by 2050 through the design and operations for the Civic Center development. We hope that it is an exemplary building for all of the future building in Las Vegas, to do things right for the people, nature, and the incredible ecosystem that the Las Vegas Valley is.”
S T E V E   M C D O W E L L  -  P R E S I D E N T  &  C E O ,  B N I M  

M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
B N I M   P E O P L E   A N D   C U L T U R E 
BNIM Director of Design for Interiors and Associate Principal, Janell Rock is now a WELL Accredited Professional. The WELL AP certification demonstrates expertise in human health and wellness in the built environment. Janell is a thoughtful leader at BNIM who has played an integral role in a wide variety of highly successful projects for universities, workplaces, performing arts centers, and community spaces. Known for her abilities to listen, create, and lead, Janell's pursuit of the beautiful and seamless integration of architecture and interior design, along with her client-centered approach, fuels her enthusiasm for design excellence and human-purposed environments. 
WELL done, Janell!  
P R O J E C T   F E A T U R E
The Kirk Family YMCA transforms the historic Lyric Theatre in Downtown Kansas City into an urban health and fitness center that supports the YMCA’s mission and is a welcoming, inclusive community resource. The Kirk Family YMCA helps renew the YMCA's presence in the urban core after two decades. The building's program components include a gym for adult/youth sports programming; a fitness center with cardio and strength training equipment, studios for group exercise, aquatics, an indoor track, and an outdoor futsal field. The Kirk Family YMCA is also focused on activating this downtown space through amenities and spaces for community engagement, classes, workshops, and events. Originally constructed in 1926, the facility restores and retains original character of the Lyric Theatre building, including its historic lobby, while bringing a new energy to the site and the surrounding district.   M O R E
O N   T H E   B L O G
BNIM's Elvis Achelpohl, who led BNIM's design efforts in this year's West 18th Street Fashion Show, "Summer Tableau," discusses working with local Kansas City fashion designer, Craig Rohner, and the inspiration and process behind the unique set design in a new blog post. 
"...Back at BNIM, the architectural design team had been sketching around a few ideas inspired by some well-worn 1960s iconography, such the psychedelic posters of Milton Glaser and Wes Wilson, the Apollo 8 “Earthrise” photograph, and Stewart Brand’s Whole Earth Catalog. Our focus kicked into gear when we saw the specific references and techniques that Craig was using for his collection."   M O R E
mindful - As a perfect mirror reflection of the letters bnim, mindful is this place for communication, where we reflect upon projects, people and events to share beyond the firm’s walls. To subscribe, please click here
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