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Technology is a game changer for military spouse professionals.
Technology is a game changer for military spouse professionals.
Dear Friend,
As military spouses, we pride ourselves on getting things done and flourishing amidst the most difficult circumstances. Not only do we bloom where we are planted, sometimes we have to build the whole flower beds ourselves. This is true of our featured spouses this month. We are proud to introduce you to Piper Brummerstedt, J.D., Attorney and Professor, and Ben Dziwulski, owner and founder of WODprep, an online resource for athletes. They have both found a way to continue their careers from abroad, and our theme this month is Making it Work Virtually.  
New technologies and new attitudes towards telecommuting have opened up a great deal of professional avenues for military spouses. Thankfully, we live in an era where we can work from any location. No longer are we bound by the duty stations to which our spouses are assigned. We can think and work globally. The Other Side of Service itself is a testament to these new opportunities. We have board members located around the globe and most of our collaboration is virtual. Technology is a game changer for many of us, and we want to show you how two spouses have made it work virtually. 
Throughout May, you will see and hear their stories. Both started in brick and mortar organizations, and they have been able to transition to online employment. The transition took time and effort on their behalf, and they both had to rethink and retool their skills to be effective through a virtual medium. Most importantly, they can help us think differently about the work we do and offer ideas to work from anywhere. 
Our theme, Making it Work Virtually, marries beautifully with our first corporate sponsor, Rolltape. Rolltape is an audio messaging app, which allows users to tell their story and build relationships from afar. Aren’t the similarities between their goals as a tech company and our goals as a military spouse organization uncanny?!? We will be talking about Rolltape all this month, and we are thankful for their support. 
We are also thankful for the support of the generous donors to our Generosity campaign. Their names are listed below, and we truly couldn’t do it without them! With the dollars we raised and in-kind donations, we will achieve the goals of our campaign. We have filmed 15 new interviews with military spouse professionals, and we will share new interviews each month this year. Please stay tuned.
Lynn Waidelich
Thank you to the following donors:
Abigail Egan
James Templeton
Lauren M Frumusa
Robert J Kidwell
Alex Allgood
Jennifer Pepper
Lauren Stephens
Robin Biasotti
Amy Cutter
Jennifer R Kemp
Laurian Eckle
Robin E M Wosje
Andrea A Templeton
Jennifer S Kinsella
Leslie Catton
Ryan Diduk-Smith
Brian Allgood
John R Gobble IV
Lindsey Slack
Shannon R Toohey
Bridget McWilliams Sims
Joseph McGinley
Lynn A. Waidelich
Stephanie Marine
Caitlin Wright
Joy N DeWitt
Megan C Glaser
Steven R Allen
Cheryl Hubbard
Joyce Allen
Meghann Eastham
Vicky C Eastham
Dana L Thul
Judy Olsen
Melanie P Allgood
Virginia M Ward
Dawn R Reiff
Karen Regis
Nancy C. Schrum
W. Anne Tesluk
Elise Chard
Kelly Cochran
Natalie H. Woody
Elaine Waidelich
Elizabeth B Merritt
Kelly L Klanian
Randy Kirk
Renee Younes
Emily Budlong
Kelly McGraw
Rebecca Vanderlake
Heidi France
Lane Anne Brown
Richard F DeMong
* All donations are tax deductible. Please email us if you need our Tax ID number. 
Introducing Piper Brummerstedt, J.D., Attorney and Professor. While she once worked for a large lawfirm in Nashville, she now teaching online law classes from around the world. Watch out for Piper's video interview released throughout the month. 
Ben Dziwulski, owner and founder of WODprep, an online resource for athletes, used to run his own CrossFit gym. Read about his transition to online coaching in a blog later this month. 
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