Register for the 2024 Fall Teaching Conference Today!
Register for the 2024 Fall Teaching Conference Today!
Grand Valley State University
Pew Faculty Teaching & Learning Center

30th Annual Fall Teaching Conference

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Join us for the 30th Annual Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning. This milestone event promises a day filled with insightful discussions, innovative teaching strategies, and networking opportunities. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow educators and enhance your teaching practice!
Please register by August 12th, 2024 at 5pm.
Visit the Fall Conference Webpage
Dr. Lauren Barbeau

Six Essentials of Effective Instruction: Using Critical Teaching Behaviors to Transform Conversations about Teaching 

Morning Keynote Address
by Dr. Lauren Barbeau

How can we effectively communicate about and collaborate on teaching with our colleagues and students? In this presentation, we introduce the Critical Teaching Behaviors (CTB) framework, a tool that synthesizes research on effective teaching practices in higher education into six categories of observable behaviors. Definitions and behaviors listed on the CTB framework help faculty develop a shared understanding of good teaching. This foundation prepares faculty to have productive conversations about teaching with colleagues. When we speak a common language, we can claim agency in telling our teaching stories, share and recognize effective teaching practices, and collaborate to develop more equitable measures for evaluating teaching. In this session, we will lay the foundation for these discussions by exploring the framework, using it to reflect on our teaching, and sharing our strengths and strategies with colleagues.
Dr. Lauren Barbeau is the Assistant Director for Learning and Technology Initiatives at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She earned her Ph.D. in English, specializing in 19th century American Literature with a certificate in American Culture Studies, from Washington University in St. Louis. Before becoming an educational developer, she taught writing and literature courses. She began her educational development career at Georgia Southern University and subsequently served as the Assistant Director for Faculty Development and SoTL at the University of Georgia. Her research interests include teaching with technology as well as documenting and assessing teaching. 
REGISTER for the 30th Annual Fall Conference

AI in Education
Afternoon Keynote Address by Dr. John Warner

A former college instructor with 20 years of experience across multiple institutions (University of Illinois, Virginia Tech, Clemson, College of Charleston), Warner now works as a writer, editor, speaker and consultant. In addition to his work in education, for over a decade he’s been a weekly columnist for the Chicago Tribune, writing about books and the habits of reading as his alter ego, The Biblioracle. In 2021 he started an associated Substack newsletter, The Biblioracle Recommends, which was a Substack Featured Publication for 2021.

Warner is the auther of five other books, including the Washington Post #1 best
seller, My First Presidentiary: A Scrapbook of George W. Bush (Crown, co-authored with Kevin Guilfoile), a parody of writing advice books, Fondling Your Muse: Infallible Advice from a Published Author to the Writerly Aspirant (Writer’s Digest), a novel, The Funny Man (Soho), and a collection of short stories (Tough Day for the Army (LSU Press). His fiction, humor, essays and commentary have been published in dozens of outlets including Slate, The Washington Post, and Salon.

From 2005 until 200
9 he was editor of the McSweeney’s website (,
winning two Webby awards in the process. He continues an association as an editor-at-large for the site. Every year he joins his friend Kevin Guilfoile in the commentary booth for The Morning News Tournament of Books, an annual March Madness tournament to find the “best” work of fiction in a given year. A native of Chicago, Warner lives with his veterinarian wife Kathy in the Charleston, SC area. He is a faculty affiliate at the College of Charleston.
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Conference Schedule

8:00 a.m.
Breakfast Available 
8:30 - 9:00 a.m.
Opening Remarks
9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Keynote Presentation by Dr. Lauren Barbeau
10:45 - 11:45 a.m. 
Faculty-led Concurrent Sessions: Teaching Excellence & Experiential Sessions
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Lunch and Book Raffle Winner Announcement 
1:00 - 2:30 p.m
Keynote Presentation by Dr. John Warner 
2:45 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Faculty-led Concurrent Sessions: Disciplinary AI Breakout Sessions

10:45 - 11:45 AM

Concurrent Sessions: Teaching Excellence & Experiential Sessions
  1. Neurodiversity assumed: Toward a universal design for neuroatypical students and faculty
  2. Students as assignment designers and dialogue facilitators for debatable issues
  3. Providing individualized learning through flipped design
  4. Community Engagement Music Project: Using Our Craft to Foster Community Connection
  5. The Importance of not knowing
  6. Enhancing first-year students' understanding of liberal education through reflection
  7. Taking liberal education to the global level: Incorporating International Virtual Exchange into the curriculum
  8. Back to nature learning community: Place and pedagogy
  9. Expanding Access to Transformative Learning through Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences
  10. Experiential: What are ways to set the stage for experiential learning, whether in or outside of the classroom?
    PART A::Introducing Virtual Place-Based Learning to Integrate Theory and Practice
    PART B: The 3rd Teacher: Physical Environment Alterations and Management in the Classroom
  11. Experiential: What are ways to establish a welcoming learning environment?
    PART A: Welcoming Students and Establishing Belonging and Presence from Day 1

    PART B: Cultivating a Sense of Community & Civility 
  12. Experiential: How can I balance structure and flexibility in my course?
  13. Experiential: Experience XR In the Classroom
  14. Experiential: What are ways to have a productive dialogue on a challenging topic?
    PART A: Constructive Debates on Controversial Subjects

    PART B: Effective approaches to initiate a productive dialogue on challenging topics
  15. Augmenting Student Learning with ChatGPT
2:45 - 3:35 PM
Following Dr. Warner’s keynote, we invite you to join colleagues for focused discussions addressing questions such as:
  • How are you engaging with AI tools
  • How are you engaging students with AI tools?
  • Which of the many contextual factors are you planning to discuss in your courses
  • In what ways you are (re)designing assignments and assessments
  • How are you articulating expectations for engaging (or not) with AI tools in your courses?
  • What resources and supports do you need this year as you plan and deliver your courses?
Following these discussions, additional materials will be added to the Pew FTLC Generative AI in Education resource page.
ONE: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences – Arts + Humanities
TWO: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences – Physical, Natural + Social Sciences 
THREE: Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies
FOUR: Seidman College of Business
FIVE: College of Education and Community Innovation
SIX: College of Engineering + College of Computing
SEVEN: Kirkhof College of Nursing + College of Health Professions

Book Raffle

Exciting news for all attendees of the 2024 Fall Conference on Teaching and Learning! We are thrilled to announce a raffle featuring an incredible selection of TWELVE books, all of which will also be added to the Pew FTLC Library (068 JHZ). Whenever possible, these titles will be available in eBook format through University Libraries. Don't miss the chance to expand your personal library with these valuable resources!

Some of the Books Available in the Raffle:
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