Student Services Highlights
Welcome Day
As you all start your in person classes this week, be prepared to be greeted by an Alder representative in person as well this Wednesday, June 14th! We will be there to pass out some swag and answer questions you may still have. See you soon!
Alder Wellness Supports - We know how busy the residency year can be, so we hope you will check out the robust wellness resources overview. As part of our commitment to student wellness, we encourage students to register for Timely Care.
TimelyCare- Alder is excited to partner with TimelyMD to deliver TimelyCare– a new virtual health and well-being program for students. The service will provide access to 24/7 medical and mental virtual health care from anywhere in the United States, with no cost to visit! Licensed providers are available to offer medical and mental health support via phone or secure video visits via the TimelyCare app or your computer. Check out the resource above to learn more! You can access Timely Care by going directly to . We highly recommend downloading the application on your phone.
Single Parent Bay Area Scholarship
Alder has received funding for a one time, unique $200 scholarship to support a single parent enrolling as a resident in a Bay Area Cohort. If you qualify and are interested in applying to this scholarship, please click here. The application will be open until Friday June 23rd.
Compelling Needs Fund
The Alder Graduate School of Education Compelling Needs Scholarship is available to students with a demonstrated compelling need. The funding can be used for an unexpected circumstance/emergency and for testing requirements. To learn more about this emergency funding, please read the information provided in the form.
Alder GSE Store -- Check out the Alder Swag Store- Here!