Weekly Member Memo
April 13, 2021
   Our office will be closed April 5-16  

Tasting Pass

We mailed a small sign to all of the participating wineries, to remind your staff which offer you are giving pass holders.
If you are a participating winery, share the link, help sell them. They are a GREAT deal for the visitor and will hopefully encourage them to buy more wine.
Share the link to "buy now" on Eventbrite Tasting Pass
Share the link to the Google Map of Participating Wineries

NEW EVENT - sign up ends TONIGHT
8 Days In May ~ May 24-31
Enjoy wine club benefits with no strings attached

This will be an opportunity for YOU to allow visitors to be a "wine club member for the day". 
We will create a program where YOU list what offer(s) ticker holders will get when they visit.
- Customers will buy their ticket online and show it at each winery they visit for the week.
- It will be one price, $75 they can use it as many days as they want.
- We will require reservations at each winery. We are going to have wineries manage their own reservations. You can control the days you want to participate and how long your reservations are (30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes). 
Please consider this - if you know you will be booked on the weekend, and don't need the event, maybe you could just set aside one or two 4 tops each day for event attendees, then sell the rest for your tasting fee. Wine Road needs to sell tickets to keep the doors open. Once you say you are sold out for any of the days, we wil note that on the website and ticket page.  Can you spare 4 seats each day?
- We can provide glasses for those that need them, so you don't have to rent any. We would NOT want them back, you can wash and reuse them.
-  We wil not be using wristbands - you will need to see tickets from each guest. Customers might attend 1 day or 3 or 4, or 5-7 days. 
- You are in charge of your wineries reservations for each day. You can limit your event attendees to any number that works for you. Just let us know when you are filled for each day. 
- We can easily sell 500 tickets, possibly more - it will depend on winery capacities.
This is the sign-up link, with more details - 8 Days In May
If you are not fully staffed or are not ready for in-person events at this point, you can sign-up with ONLINE offers only. This will be indicated in the program. You still need to use the online sign-up form and check off the ONLINE ONLY box. Same deadlines.
Christopher Creek Winery is no longer a member of Wine Road, additionally, Joe Foppoli offered his resignation from our Board of Directors, which was accepted. Wine Road will be donating their annual winery dues to Verity Verity strives to eliminate all forms of violence, with a special focus on sexual assault and abuse. 
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