JUNE 9, 2020

Our office continues to be CLOSED until further notice.

It look like it will be two more weeks before tasting rooms can open without the confusing, illogical "bona fide meal" requirement. 

Link for Sonoma Safe Wineries. Complete the check-off list, receive your signage.

We will be mailing out signs this week. As visitors begin to return, it would be GREAT for them to see consistent signage throughout the area. Showing that you have all complied with a set of safety standards. It only takes a few minutes to self-certify.
This is the Wine Institutes recommended re-opening guidelines 
This is the Sonoma County Vintner's recommended re-opening guidelines 
I sent an update yesterday saying there was a possibility tasting rooms would be alllowed to open this weekend, without the "meal" requirent. I expect that final update on Thurday or Friday. In the meantime, just get your team prepared.
Destination Analysts - a FANTASTIC resource for travel and tourism surveys. These are interesting reading:  Update on American Travel in the Period of Coronavirus—Week of June 8th

 Car Hop Wine Shop HERE

We will continue to list the wineries that are offeing curbside pick-up or FREE (or almost free) local delivery for the month of June.
Please let me know if you want to be removed or added to the list.

Are You Open?

If so, tell me the days and hours and your phone number.
It is on our home page, in a couple of locations.
You need to limit groups to 6 or less, require reservations and serve a "meal" with your wine, facemasks required when guests check-in, and of course the recommended social distancing between groups.

Our June consumer newsletter goes out Thursday, June 11.  Make sure you have all of your June & July offers posted online.

Just log onto WineRoad.com -  enter password and upload your offers...

- Virtual Tasting
- Wine Specials
- Shipping Offers
- Something Different!  

Sandra Hess seminars rescheduled.

We were planning two presentations: June 10 & 11, for Storytelling and Consumer Engagement.
They will now both be webinars - NEW DATES - details and links to follow for all that are registered. 
July  7 - Storytelling 8:30-10:00am
July 15 - Consumer Engagement 8:30-10:00am
This is the link to the music video
Have your video post link to our Car Hop Wine Shop page. https://www.wineroad.com/sipsonoma/
We are continuing to support these partners via our social media posts...visitors will be back and when they do come back, we hope they connect with our partners.
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