No matter where you are in your career, achieving career goals takes...
No matter where you are in your career, achieving career goals takes...

February 11, 2020

Tips for Grads: Talking with your supervisor about career goals

Career Development
No matter where you are in your career, achieving career goals takes initiative. While you’ve already taken a big step by pursuing your master’s degree online, it’s also smart to have the support of a supervisor. Whether you’re currently working or planning on landing your job after graduation, read these tips for approaching your supervisor regarding your career goals:
Self-reflect before the meeting. What do you want from your career? Where do you see yourself growing? What areas are you ready to leave behind? Go into the meeting with specific career goals.
Keep in mind your employer’s priorities. Where do your goals and your employer’s goals overlap? It will be helpful to make these connections for your supervisor during the course of the conversation.
Have a list of requests, not demands. Be firm, not aggressive. Keep requests positive with “I” statements such as, “Are there projects I could take the lead on?” Emphasize how your requests also benefit your employer.
Leave with tangible steps. After agreeing on goals, develop clear action items. Are you expected to research development opportunities? Is your supervisor going to investigate opportunities for you? Clarifying next steps will help the opportunities materialize.
Share the plan and track progress. Create a timeline with action items. If the plan progress is not meeting your expectations, consider that your values may not align with your supervisor’s.
DiscoverPD: Your guide to professional development

Professional and Career Development

Take ten minutes to learn about the Individual Development Plan and how these plans help graduate students like you focus on what they need to succeed! This plan will help you hone your strengths, set goals, and enhance both your academic and professional performance. Watch the video.


Facilitating Work-Life Balance and Resilience Webinar
A healthy work-life balance is essential for finding success in all aspects of your life. Tune into this interactive webinar to examine your current work-life balance, develop a plan for resilience, and get tips for developing a support system. Don’t miss this work-life balance webinar! Register by Friday, February 14 at 12 pm CT.
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