JULY 7, 2020

Our office remains closed until further notice.

What do you need from Wine Road now?

How can we help?  

Just shoot me back an email. 

Signs, Signs, Everywhere There's Signs...

They are all in the map box, outside of our office, if you want to pick up additional copies.  
Lodging members will want to have these signs at their properties also.
Office: 1437 Grove Street, Healdsburg

Winery Reservation Links

We have added a button on our winery listings that will link visitors directly to your Reservation Page. YOU need to log onto WineRoad.com, then fill in the box for Reservations with the landing page you want people to see. If you need visitors to "call for reservations" link to the page on your website with that information.
Our home page now states clearly that reservations are required.

Sandra Hess seminars 

They are both webinars - details and links to registered are below
Recent Press Scottsdale - Article featuring Rosé from various memers. 
Renae Perry inverviewed on Fox News - How Businesses Are Navigating Through Travel Restrictions

Please share links to our Partners (shown below).

If you are sending out email, newsletters and doing social posts, it would be fantastic if you could include our partners. Let visitors know Pure Luxury is here to drive them around, Safari West is back welcoming folks to their property, Visit Santa Rosa and Stay Healdsburg are great links as people are planning their trips....
Last week I had an inquiry from someone looking to come visit with the prospect of moving to the area, so I was able to connect them with Compass Real Estate. 
The more we can all support each other the better.

Wine Road Event Update

Two weeks ago the Board of Directors made the decision to not host Wine & Food Affair this year. There are simply too many unknowns to plan and execute an event in November.
Winter Wineland may be able to happen, in a revised format...to be determined by the rules and requirements in place, as we move forward.
Event information has been updated on our website, so customers are aware, if they were planning to attend in November.
That being said, we are moving into new territory and hoping to develop a paid virtual tasting program that will generate income from ticket sales for Wine Road, and advance wine sales for our members. This is in the early stages of development, we hope to have details in place to begin in September and run through November. More to follow...
We are continuing to support these partners via our social media posts...visitors will be back and when they do come back, we hope they connect with our partners.
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