Prevent Frost and Ice! Reduce Defrost Cycles!
Prevent Frost and Ice! Reduce Defrost Cycles!
Dry Climate Desiccant Dehumidifier Series
Does frost and ice have your costs spiraling out of control? Is your production cut by defrost cycles? 
Fog and Condensation
Fog & Condensation
Component Failure
Component Failure
Conveyance Failure
Conveyance Failure
Desiccants can be applied to reduce your costs, improve product quality and increase production. This applies to spiral and tunnel freezers. It’s time you start enjoying the benefits of dry air.  Keep your products, equipment, and environment dry with the Dry Climate Desiccant DeHumidifier Series!
Features of the Dry Climate Desicant DeHumidifcation Series
Download the Dry Climate for Spiral Freezer & Cold Storage Loading Dock Applications Brochure
CDI Desiccant Dehumidification sERIES
Download the Dry Climate for Spiral Freezer & Cold Storage Loading Dock Applications Brochure

Quick Ship Units

CDI strives to meet ALL your desiccant needs, including those cases when TIME is most critical. To meet your time critical desiccant needs, we have a number of units that are Quick Ship. Click here to find out which sizes are available
Principles of Active Desiccant Operations
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